This September, marks the third year of celebrating Atrial Fibrillation Month to raise awareness of atrial fibrillation (afib), a common cause of stroke. founder, Mellanie True Hills, knows the toll that atrial fibrillation takes on those with it and their families. After surviving blood clots and a near-stroke during her first afib episode, she lived in constant fear of her next, always wondering if a deadly stroke was inevitable. As a patient who was unable to stabilize on Coumadin® (warfarin), a challenging blood thinner that helps avoid strokes, she was frightened that she was "a stroke walking around waiting to happen."

Once she was cured surgically of this common cardiac arrhythmia, she couldn't stand on the sidelines and watch others suffer so she started, for patients by patients. helps those living the nightmare of atrial fibrillation.

Since afib frequently isn't diagnosed until after a stroke, or two, and identifying the problem can be a multi-year process, she has a sense of urgency around raising awareness of atrial fibrillation that only an afib survivor can possess.

Learn more about Atrial Fibrillation Month and living with afib at:
September 2009 is Atrial Fibrillation Month: patient resource raises awareness of expensive and life-threatening irregular heartbeat

Please help us with Afib Month in the following ways:

Stay tuned...there's more coming. Let's get some buzz going about atrial fibrillation this month. Thanks for your help in spreading the word about atrial fibrillation and helping to wipe out afib-related strokes.