There is a lot of big news coming out of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) going on in Barcelona right now. Judging by attendance, this is probably the biggest cardiology event in the world.

The big announcement for atrial fibrillation sufferers is the progress towards a replacement for Coumadin (warfarin) coming out of the results of the Randomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy trial, known as the RE-LY trial.

Trial results showed that dabigatran, a potential Coumadin® replacement that is marketed under the brand name of Pradaxa outside the U.S., is more effective than warfarin at preventing strokes from clotting (ischemic stroke) and bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke).

This is great news for those with atrial fibrillation who are on Warfarin as it is so difficult and time-consuming to manage that most who are on it are only in the therapeutic range (INR between 2.0 and 3.0) two-thirds of the time.

Also of interest is the new Stroke Prevention channel on You Tube that Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer of Dabigatran, launched in conjunction with the release of the study findings.

Read more and get the link to some stroke prevention videos at: Dabigatran Better than Warfarin for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation

Mellanie True Hills is a heart disease survivor, heart health expert, internationally-known author and speaker, and non-profit CEO.

Newsweek said, "a near-death experience prompted Mellanie to make a career of telling others what they need to know about heart disease." Following a brush with death in emergency heart surgery, and a near-stroke from a frightening irregular heartbeat later that same year, Mellanie True Hills pledged to use her second chance to help others avoid the #1 and #3 killers, heart disease and stroke.

As CEO of the American Foundation for Women's Health, her mission is to raise awareness of heart disease and stroke with her inspirational and motivational keynotes for American Heart Association Go Red for Women events, hospital women's health events, and corporate and association events. She provides a message of hope and encouragement, sharing how to take control, decrease stress, and protect against heart disease. Audiences consistently say, "You saved my life."

After being cured of her life-threatening irregular heartbeat, atrial fibrillation, she launched , a non-profit web site "for patients by patients", which provides information and resources to those suffering with atrial fibrillation.

Author of the award-winning book, A Woman's Guide to Saving Her Own Life: The HEART Program for Health and Longevity, she has been featured by hundreds of media around the globe, including CNBC Asia, Reuters , Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens, Heart-Healthy Living,,, PBS, ABC, NBC, and CBS.

View Mellanie True Hills' Videos:

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