There is an old joke that you should not complain about growing old because it's better than the alternative. Yes, it's better than dying. But that joke doesn’t stop people from complaining.

From wrinkles and lack of energy to menopause and lack of sex, there seems to be a lot to grumble about as you get older. However, if you only focus on the negative things, then that’s all you’ll see. There are some fantastic things that can come out of aging too!

To help everyone see the positive side of the aging process, here are six quotes from famous women on handling being of a “certain age” and how they learned to age gracefully, even in the public eye.

Diane Lane, age 50

"I take comfort that aging happens to everybody. It's part of life. Yes, it bothers me when I have lines or puffiness or droops. But it connects me with the human race. Just like the weather is the great equalizer, so is aging."

Angela Bassett, age 57

"Maybe if you're younger you have more energy — but that's a big maybe. Because at this stage of life, I have more patience, understanding, wisdom, resources — and a husband. I didn't get him until I was 39. But I got a good one."

Candice Bergen, age 69

"People can get crazier as they get older. I can just be weird whenever I want, and there's the freedom of not caring what people think."

Susan Sarandon, age 68

“I have learned that we should never settle for someone else’s definition of who we can be. Growing to this age, I realize, is kind of like feeling your voice deepen. It’s still your voice, but it has more substance, and it sounds like it knows its own origins.”

Jamie Lee Curtis, age 56

“Fifty is a big corner to turn. It used to mean being put out to pasture, but it’s the opposite with me. I feel more vibrant; I’m more active than I’ve ever been. The F-word really is freedom. It’s the freedom to have dropped the rock — the rock of addiction, of family, of comparisons with other people. It’s being fit and focused and kind of furious.”

Oprah Winfrey, age 61

"What I've learned in this first 50 is that if you can allow yourself to breathe into the depth, wonder, beauty, craziness, and strife — everything that represents the fullness of your life — you can live fearlessly. Because you come to realize that if you just keep breathing, you cannot be conquered."

Sources: “Celebrities on What They Love About Getting Older”. Web. 14 September 2015. “15 inspiring celebrity quotes on aging well.” Web. 14 September 2015. “Quotes from celebrities on age.” Web. 14 September 2015.

Reviewed September 15, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith