Just as there may be individuals to avoid working with in any profession, there are a few plastic surgeons out there you should probably give a wide berth. Let’s say you’ve done the obvious homework: checking that your prospective choices are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, researching their Web sites and asking other doctors and former patients for input. Is there anything you can do to avoid a surgeon who passes all these tests yet still has unhappy patients?

First, I’d advise you to keep in mind that many highly qualified plastic surgeons may have a few dissatisfied patients. There could be a variety of reasons that are the patients fault, from neglecting to reveal important medical information to failure following instructions. Some women have unrealistic expectations; others may have body dysmorphic disorder, a condition that distorts how they view themselves. And yes, sometimes a good surgeon just makes a mistake.

With all that in mind, here are some suggestions to increase your chances of steering clear of the bad apples out there.

After ensuring your prospective surgeons are board certified, the next step you should take is to check with your state’s medical board or department of health. Most are easy to find using a search engine, and most can confirm that the surgeons you’re considering have an active license in your state. Many will also tell you whether there is any disciplinary action pending.

Next, you may want to research your prospective choices using a site that provides background information on doctors and consumer ratings. One example is healthgrades.com. Through this site, you can find basic information on plastic surgeons and see patient ratings. (You can also purchase a more extensive report for under $15. Just be careful you understand what you’re buying, as some of these kinds of sites are famous for “enrolling” you in more service than you need.)

Next, you can jump into the wild world of complaints boards, forums and discussion groups. This is where the “grain of salt” saying really applies. For instance, on complaintsboard.com you’ll find dozens of angry postings about a certain Manhattan plastic surgeon. Does that mean you should scratch him off your list? Not necessarily. Looking closely, you’ll see that a large majority of the complaints are written by one particular patient. Does that mean that the patient is a nut and the surgeon is a good one after all? Not necessarily. You should look at this kind of information as just one more piece of the puzzle you’re putting together.

The same goes for online forums, discussion groups and message boards where women can share information about their procedure and surgeon. On these sites, you’ll find all kinds of people with all kinds of experiences. Treat what you find as additional input.

I’d advise browsing Web sites where women can ask questions plastic surgeons will answer. Even if plastic surgeons you’re considering aren’t active on such sites, there’s a lot you can learn. Here’s how this could work for you.

Let’s say I live in Southern California and I’m considering breast augmentation. I visit realself.com—a site where patients review various cosmetic procedures and pose questions to member plastic surgeons. Browsing information about breast implants on that site, I run across a Manhattan plastic surgeon’s response to a patient who’s asking if 650 cc breast implants are too large. The doctor says,

In my opinion, anything over 500 cc’s is too much.
You’re overstretching your tissues and increasing the
risk of loss of nipple sensation. Very big implants look
fake and don’t age well.

How’s that for an informed opinion and direct response? I don’t know about you, but I find it refreshing and compelling. If I were considering breast surgery anywhere near New York City, I might very well add this doctor to my list of prospective plastic surgeons.

But I live across the country in Southern California. There are many board certified plastic surgeons to choose from in that region, and I’m most interested in working with a local physician. Among the many choices, I find one particular surgeon with years of experience and glowing recommendations. But in combing through his Web site carefully, I find out that he has performed breast augmentation with implants as large as 1800 cc’s (true story).

Glowing recommendations aside, would the time I had spent doing research be worthwhile? Would I decide to run like the wind? To coin a phrase, you betcha.