When muscles are paralyzed through Botox use and expression cannot show on your face, do the emotions disappear? Seems like a ridiculous question at first glance but on the second time 'round ... Maybe not.

At least that's what researchers at Barnard College in New York City are thinking.

" 'In a bigger picture sense, the work fits with common beliefs, such as "fake it till you make it," ' study co-author Joshua Davis, a psychology professor at Barnard College, said in a school news release. 'With the advent of Botox, it is now possible to work with people who have a temporary, reversible paralysis in muscles that are involved in facial expressions. The muscle paralysis allows us to isolate the effects of facial expression and the subsequent sensory feedback to the brain that would follow from other factors, such as intentions relating to one's expressions, and motor commands to make an expression.' "
