Breast augmentation surgery with implants has been growing in popularity for many years. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has tracked cosmetic surgery statistics since 1997, and during that time the number of women seeking breast enlargement has grown more than 200 percent. In 1997, just over 100,000 women in the U.S. chose the procedure. In 2009, the number was over 311,000.

Breast augmentation is a relatively safe operation. Still, it’s best to understand the potential risks and what you can do to mitigate them.

Surgical Risks

Many of the risks of breast enlargement surgery are common to any kind of operation. Seroma (fluid build up) and hematoma (blood build up) at the surgical site are two potential complications. These can most often be managed without additional surgery. A small number of patients experience infection, which is also usually resolved fairly easily.

Other possible surgical risks include an adverse reaction to anesthesia and post-surgical blood clots. Since the time breast augmentation patients are under general anesthesia is fairly short—typically no more than two hours—these complications happen infrequently. Very rarely, poor healing and tissue necrosis can occur.

What can you do about surgical risks? First, make sure you are in good health and ready for the procedure. Your blood pressure should be under control, you should be eating a balanced diet and you should not smoke. Otherwise, choose a highly experienced, board certified plastic surgeon with an accredited surgical facility and privileges at a hospital nearby, just in case. He or she will know how to make sure the chance of a complication is minimal for you, and they’ll have the equipment and training to handle one if necessary.

Implant Surgery Risks

One possible complication unique to surgery that places foreign material inside the body is capsular contracture. In breast augmentation, it occurs when the “capsule” of tissue lining the breast pocket contracts and begins squeezing the implant. You can see photos of the condition at and elsewhere on the Web—just search on the term.

The mechanisms behind capsular contracture are still not well understood, and it’s tough to get information you can count on regarding the rate of occurrence. For a first time breast augmentation, rates of capsular contracture seem to fall in the 10-15 percent range. The condition is managed with or without further surgery, depending on the severity.

Another thing to keep in mind is that implants cannot be expected to last a lifetime. Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, the devices may very well rupture with time and need to be replaced. You should understand that a second surgery down the road will likely be needed.

Other risks associated with breast implants include permanent loss of sensation and inability to breastfeed. These occur rarely.

What can you do about implant risks? Choose an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon who performs many breast enhancement surgeries annually and listen to his or her input. Ask what measures they take to prevent infection and fluid build up—these are thought to contribute to capsular contracture. Find out how they feel about type of implant and implant placement with regard to capsular contracture. And be sure to ask what steps you can take to prolong the life of your implants.

Risk of Adverse Outcome

Most women are quite pleased with the results of breast augmentation surgery, but not every woman is. Aesthetic problems do occur, although rarely. Implants, especially saline implants, occasionally ripple. Patients with small frames and scant breast tissue sometimes complain that ripples are visible under the skin.

Other unsatisfactory results include “bottoming out,” when an implant slips below the breast pocket, and symmastia, the unfortunate “unibreast” look. Complications like these are unusual and most often the result of improper dissection of the breast pocket.

What can you do to avoid an adverse outcome? You already know the answer—select an experienced board certified plastic surgeon—but go a step further and make sure they enjoy breast augmentation surgery and do many dozens, even a hundred or more, each year. During your consultation, view the surgeon’s before and after photo gallery; it should be extensive. Ask about their revision rate and policies.

Finally, ask if your body type presents any special challenges (some do). You’ll want to understand every aspect of the procedure your cosmetic surgeon recommends for you, including type of implant, size and projection, implant shape and cover material, and placement (above or under the chest muscle). A frank, detailed discussion will help you get a sense of your surgeon’s skill in producing the outcome you have in mind.

Commit to doing the work you need to do before you schedule surgery and to taking excellent care of yourself before and after. You’ll have every chance of being pleased with your breast augmentation results.
