Considering the abundant hoopla about cosmetic surgery in the media, one might get the impression that “everyone” is going under the knife. Obviously, that’s not really the case. But if you have the impression that everyone is having surgery, you might occasionally find yourself thinking that you “ought” to consider an aesthetic procedure.

Here are five reasons not to have cosmetic surgery. If one of these notions strikes a familiar chord with you, talk yourself out of jumping in and give it some more thought.

1. It seems like no big deal.

It’s true that when performed by an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, surgical complications are relatively rare. But there are risks you must understand thoroughly, including physical, medical and emotional risks. There’s post-surgical pain to consider, a recovery period that may be longer than you might expect and even the possibility of revision surgery soon or down the road.

Television can make cosmetic surgery seem like a breeze. Don’t fall for that idea.

2. I want it for a better life.

All over the world, people who are struggling with various aspects of their lives occasionally turn to cosmetic surgery in the hope that their fortunes will improve. In November, 2010, Reuters reported this phenomenon occurring in Egypt, where low-income citizens borrow money, donate blood and turn to cheap clinics for treatment. See

Even if you’re not poor, know that electing to have plastic surgery to help you face a challenge like getting a job, finding a mate or avoiding divorce is not a good plan. Surgery can only fine-tune your appearance; solving life problems is up to you.

3. I want to look like a celebrity.

Come on, you might say, I’m not like that great-grandmother who had surgery to look like Jessica Rabbit. Or like the obsessed fans who want to make themselves over in the image of Demi Moore or Kim Kardashian.

But think about it a little more. If you secretly long for Angelina Jolie’s lips or J-Lo’s butt, there are at least a couple of potential flaws in your thought process. First, you may not get the results you’re hoping for. Plastic surgery outcomes are at least somewhat unpredictable, and no surgeon who’s being honest will guarantee you the look you’re after. Second, consider whether the ideal body features you admire would look right on you. If you have a round face, will full lips like Angelina’s look sexy or just plain pudgy? If you have a thin frame, will Jennifer’s bum look right in your rear view mirror?

4. I can easily get a loan for it.

Cosmetic surgery loans can indeed be pretty easy to get. But as unsecured transactions, the interest rate can be quite high. Do you really want to be paying ultimately much more than the already steep cost of surgery? And, in this economy, does it make sense to take on debt for an elective procedure?

If you should run across some great-sounding terms—such as no interest for a period of time—be extra careful. If you don’t pay off within the grace period of usually six to 18 months, loans like that often expect you to come up with the entire amount of the deferred interest plus whatever you owe going forward. Ouch.

5. I am doing it for a beauty contest.

You already know that many beauty pageant contestants choose cosmetic surgery to increase their chances of winning. But did you know there’s a pageant only plastic surgery patients can enter? Don’t believe it? Check out this story from the U.K.:

Okay, so you would never choose surgery just to win a beauty pageant. But do take a moment to think about your expectations. Cosmetic surgery may be able to give you fuller breasts, a flatter tummy or a more youthful face. But it will not transform your appearance and make you runway-ready, unless you’re already destined to wear the tiara.

If you find yourself thinking about cosmetic surgery, it pays to consider your motives thoroughly. Don’t be lured by what you see on TV, or even by a friend’s recommendation. Do plenty of your own research, talk to your family and think it through carefully.