With each transition from one season to the next comes changes in weather, clothing and activities. Although many look forward to the new elements associated with seasons, not all changes are eagerly anticipated. As the different seasons approach, skin changes also occur.

When one season ends and another begins, preparations can be taken to adapt to the skin fluctuations. Every person may experience varying degrees of skin change, but nevertheless, most people undergo some type of skin adjustment as the climate shifts throughout the year. Before treating skin to adapt to the seasons, individuals must know and understand their specific skin type. People have different skin varieties, whether it is oily, dry, sensitive, combination or normal, but once skin type is determined, it will help clarify which treatments to use for the four seasons.

As the weather starts to warm up, people ditch their heavy jackets and boots for short sleeve shirts and sandals. Although you may feel eager to embrace the sunshine, the dry winter months leave skin rough and dry. “Nothing is worse for skin than a long, cold winter- the low humidity in conjunction with hot air, heat, and less fresh air often leave your skin looking dull, dry, rough, and even wrinkled and older,” Cheryl Citron, M.D., a certified cosmetic dermatologist from New Jersey, said.

To immediately treat dry winter skin for spring, apply a moisturizer with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) all over the body. The ingredient deeply moisturizes through skin layers, leaving skin soft.

Skin cleansers can also prepare skin for the spring by eliminating dead skin cells. According to webmd.com, when you know your skin type, find the gentlest cleanser in your classification and apply smoothly to ensure no skin irritations.

To further care for skin that will most likely be exposed during the hot summer, gently exfoliate with a cleanser and your hands or a washcloth to banish dull skin. Be sure to continue treating skin throughout the summer about three or four times a week so skin will not return to its dry state. Continue moisturizing the face, but use a non comedogenic moisturizer so pores will not clog.

If you spend more than 20 minutes outside, it is important to always apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. When outside for long periods of time, reapply about every two hours and every time after swimming or considerable sweating. Although many face moisturizers contain SPF, still apply sunscreen on all other parts of the body to avoid harmful skin damage and to keep skin appearing younger.

As weather begins to cool down, skin becomes dryer. Increase moisturizer and lotion application to stay away from complete dehydration that may come during the dry winter months. After gently washing your face at night, rub on a facial moisturizer so your face remains hydrated while you sleep.

Moving from the cold outdoors to heated indoors drastically dries skin in the winter and causes it to be in its most sensitive state. In the morning, night and whenever skin feels tight, apply hydrating body lotion with vitamin E. Using a moisturizing hand cream will keeps hands from being itchy and cracked. Although it may be tempting to take steaming showers during cold months, hot water strips the skin of natural oils, drying out the skin. Try taking shorter, warm showers to keep skin less dry.

Special treatment can help care for seasonal skin changes, but procedures can also be taken throughout the year to obtain healthy skin:

- Besides using moisturizer, drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to ensure hydrated skin.

- Nourish your skin by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet filled with natural fruits, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli and chard, other fresh vegetables, and healthy fats such as seeds and nuts, avocado and fish.

- Exercise regularly to improve blood flow and skin radiance.

- Try to sleep seven to eight hours a night. During the day, skin will appear refreshed and rejuvenated.





