The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have on their hips, thighs and buttocks. Cellulite is much more common in women than in men. In fact, the majority of women (eight out of 10) have some degree of cellulite. This appearance is much more common in women than in men because of differences in the way fat, muscle and connective tissue are distributed in men and women's skin.

Cellulite is caused by fibrous connective cords that connect the skin to the underlying muscle. The cords tether the skin to deeper structures with the fat lying in between. As the fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the long, tough cords are pulling down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling.

Cellulite is not related to the condition known as cellulitis which is a spreading bacterial infection of the skin and tissues beneath the skin.

Cellulite looks like dimpled or bumpy skin. It's sometimes described as skin with a cottage cheese or orange-peel texture. Cellulite ranges in severity. Mild cases can only be seen when the skin is pinched (the dimpling appears in the pinched skin). More severe cases make the skin appear rumpled and bumpy with areas of peaks and valleys. Cellulite is most common around the thighs and buttocks but it can be found on the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms as well.

Weight gain can make cellulite more noticeable but cellulite may still be present in lean individuals. It tends to run in families, so genetics may play the biggest role in whether you develop cellulite. Other factors that may increase your chances of having cellulite include stress, an inactive lifestyle and using hormonal contraceptives. In addition, cellulite is more common with aging, when the skin loses some of its elasticity.

Though not a serious medical condition, cellulite can be unsightly and it may make you self-conscious when wearing shorts or a swimming suit.

Most people dislike the appearance of cellulite and prefer to have skin as smooth as they possibly can. Therefore, much has been written about cellulite and many treatments have been promoted, ranging from dietary changes to cellulite creams and mechanical treatments. But unfortunately, most of these treatments don't live up to their claims.

Here are some of these therapies for cellulite:

Weight loss. Weight loss (through healthy diet and regular exercise) is probably the most beneficial cellulite treatment. Losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs and buttocks can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin. The benefits of weight loss alone are limited, however. Though the cellulite may be less noticeable after weight loss, it won't go away completely.

Lasers and radiofrequency systems. Perhaps the most promising medical therapy is lasers and radiofrequency systems. One system uses combined negative tissue massage, radiofrequency and infrared light to treat cellulite. The other system delivers combined tissue massage with diode laser energy. Both systems offer improvements to cellulite after a series of several twice-weekly treatments. Results may last up to six months.

Liposuction is ineffective. Some people may turn to liposuction as a treatment for cellulite. During liposuction, a surgeon inserts a narrow tube under your skin through tiny incisions, and then suctions out fat cells. Though liposuction can shape the body, it won't remove cellulite and it may make the cellulite appear worse.

Many devices, products and creams claim to treat cellulite. But there is little or no scientific evidence to support these claims. If you do find a cellulite treatment that improves your skin, the results aren't likely to last long term.

The following are a few of the many advertised cellulite treatments. Keep in mind that these treatments haven't been proved effective in removing cellulite.

Vigorous massage. Some cellulite treatments are based on the concept that vigorous massage will increase blood flow, remove toxins and reduce excess fluid in cellulite-prone areas. One method in particular, Endermologie (also referred to as lipomassage), uses a hand-held machine to knead the skin between rollers. You may notice a slight improvement to your skin after this treatment but the results are typically short-lived.

Mesotherapy. This procedure involves injecting a solution (which may contain a combination of aminophylline, hormones, enzymes, herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals) under the skin. This treatment can cause several unwanted effects, including infection, rashes and bumpy or uneven skin contours.

Cellulite creams. Creams that contain a variety of ingredients (such as vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and antioxidants) are often marketed as the cure for cellulite. But no studies show that these creams offer any improvement. And in some cases, the ingredients in these products cause skin reactions or rashes.

Cellulite isn't a serious medical condition and treatment isn't necessary. In fact, many doctors consider cellulite a normal occurrence. However, if you're concerned about the appearance of your skin, see your doctor or a dermatologist.

There is no way to prevent getting cellulite. Keeping off excess pounds and strengthening your muscles through regular exercise, however, can go a long way toward maintaining your skin tone and texture.


Mc Ortega is the former publicist for the late Walter Payton, Coca-Cola and Dunkin’ Donuts. Ortega is a senior communications and messaging executive specializing in media relations, social media, program development and crisis communications. Also, Ortega is an avid traveler and international shopper. Ortega resides with her partner, Craig, dog, Fionne and extensive shoe collection. Ortega also enjoys jewelry design/production and flamenco dancing.