One of the things I really miss since I came down with bipolar illness is getting rip roaring drunk. I can’t do that any more. I’m not allowed to drink a lot on the medicines I’m taking.

Not that I was a big drunk before, but once in a while, I liked to tie one on.

Now, all I can do is have an occasional beer or glass of wine with dinner.

Even that much alcohol makes me depressed the next day.

So I pretty much stay away from booze.

I used to love to go out and have several glasses of beer. I liked to dance. That was when I was young–in my twenties.

I also liked to get roaring drunk on New Year’s Eve–start drinking about 6:00 and continue to drink until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.

The one time I did drink in excess on bipolar meds I got very sick and vomited up all my medication. I was drinking strong grasshoppers. I also drank a lot at a wedding of a friend once. The next day I thought I was going to die. It just didn’t mix with the strong meds I was on.

When I was taking lithium even one glass of wine would make me unbearably sleepy. I would have to lie down on friends’ beds at dinner parties. This embarrassed my husband.

If you’re on bipolar medication, you’re in the same boat I’m in. You shouldn’t drink.

Do you miss alcohol?

And those fake beers just don’t cut it.

Fake wine is even worse.

There’s nothing like a few cold beers.

Is there?