When I look in the mirror, I am constantly reminded that I have bipolar illness.

You see, I’m 50 pounds overweight. I credit taking lithium for putting on the pounds.

But recently, I joined a weight loss group, and I’ve lost 10 pounds. I want to lose 30. I’ve got three months to do it.

I’m on a strict 1300 calorie diet.

Life is strange without potato chips. And big helpings at meals. (I’ve got to find ways to deal with boredom and stress now that I don’t have food.)

I talk on the phone a lot. I started swimming in the neighborhood pool.

I’m going to be the skinniest bipolar woman in America.

My husband has started hugging me more. I think I’m more appealing without the chipmunk cheeks.

My clothes fit better.

I’m definitely happier.

If you struggle with weight issues as a result of your bipolar illness and possibly medications, I suggest you join a weight loss group.

Getting together with other people with the same goal in mind is invaluable. It’s actually fun to weigh in each week and see how much you’ve dropped.

I won the prize for losing the most weight last week. The prize was a chocolate protein bar. (Better than nothing.)

You don’t have to be big. It takes work to battle what the medication might have “done” to your body, but you can take off some pounds if you set your mind to it.

Here’s to losing lbs!

Good luck.