Chances are, you have experienced some form of back pain in your life. For some, it is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be very serious and quite painful. Most back problems are the result of misuse of the body through over-exertion or an unnatural twist. Other contributing factors include stress, dehydration, and even shoes that are poorly padded. If you are overweight and don’t get enough exercise, you are at risk for back injuries. If you do not employ good posture when standing or sitting, back pain could result. Back injuries can be very debilitating, as they can sometimes prohibit you from even engaging in the simplest of acts or functions.

Fortunately, many of the causes of back pain are not only treatable, but preventable. Even with all of the natural cures that abound, people still seek out medicinal measures to treat the pain. However, through the use of medicine, you are merely attacking the symptoms and avoiding the cause. In addition to not treating the problem, pain medications can burden you with a host of negative side effects. So, why not consider some natural alternative treatments to this serious and chronic condition?

If you want a healthy back, instead of reaching for the pain medication, try to lift with your legs and not with your back. Exercise frequently to give you added strength and flexibility. When holding something heavy or when lifting a heavy object, avoid any twisting movements of the body. When sitting, keep your back straight and make sure that your lower back is supported. Summer is close at hand, and those cute flip flops look adorable on your feet, but in terms of foot support, they just don’t cut it. If you like to work in the garden, don’t stoop. Finally, when it is time to turn in after a long day, make sure your mattress is soft, but firm, to allow for effective support while you slumber.

Prevention is always your best friend. If back pain sets in before you know it, using natural cures and alternative therapies should be considered before you take medications or undergo any surgery. Frequently, the natural approaches to back pain do involve making certain lifestyle changes so that you can get to the root of the problem. Back pain varies with each individual, so treatment options will naturally vary from person to person.

Herbal remedies are quite common and can be used to alleviate pain and associated stiffness. These serve to increase the circulation of the blood in specific areas. Herbs to consider include St. John’s wort oil and capsaicin liniment.
Have you ever considered practicing yoga? Now is a good time. Yoga has proven benefits for many people. In addition to stretching and pulling your muscles, it will increase your flexibility and strengthen your ligaments and joints. Research has shown that some yoga poses actually contribute to the straightening of the spine, reducing the pain to a great extent for many back pain sufferers.

Acupuncture and acupressure techniques have also been shown to produce great results for many people. It is gaining in popularity and acceptance throughout the world as an alternative therapy. When using these techniques, small needle pricks are used that unblock energy at certain pressure points. Once released, it allows for the natural flow of energy throughout your body, bringing a pain-free balance to your life. Sounds good to me!

Treat yourself to a massage! Once considered a rare luxury, it is quickly gaining ground as a viable means to relive pain. This is mainly due to the healing properties as the blood flows into an injured or stressed area.

Do you have a lot on your mind? Clear that vessel through meditation, which is yet another alternative therapy to help alleviate that nagging back pain. A cousin of yoga, it does require a great degree of self-discipline and focus in order for it to produce successful results, but it is well worth the effort to make that mind-body connection.

Chiropractic treatments are yet another form of therapy for lower back pain. The chiropractor uses the art of manipulation of the spine to correct alignment and positioning. When done properly, you can improve your range of motion, heal the injury, and help the healing process as a whole.

All of us lead busy lives, and sometimes we just want that quick fix for our nagging aches and pains. However, by employing these simple preventative measures and naturally incorporating them into your lifestyle, they can remain your best line of defense against lower back pain…or a host of other pains and ailments, as well.

Remember! These natural therapies got your back! Make full use of them!

(Information for this article obtained at