Four years ago, I had to undergo surgery for a hammertoe issue and a bunion issue. Both matters were on the same foot, thank goodness, but the after-effects of the procedure made life a bit challenging for a few weeks.

I had a pin in my foot and therefore could put no pressure on it. I had to use crutches all the time, or, in my case, I would crawl up and down the stairs at home. It was much quicker that way. Plus, I had three young sons who needed my help, as well. My foot finally healed. I tossed aside the crutches, and I told myself, “I am glad I had that done, actually.”

Fast forward three years. I am in a rather frantic mood, running late for a meeting I am to host. I am trying to get dressed. I race into my bathroom to get something, and before I know it, I am flat on my back with my left foot jammed into the baseboard. Some young boy, who shall remain nameless at this time, evidently spilled some water on the tile, and, in my hurry, I slipped in it and fell right onto my hindquarters, with my left foot as the brake. I am sure you can imagine the resulting injury. Yes, I broke the exact toe that the surgeon fixed just three years earlier. I was devastated.

I went to the podiatrist’s office to have my foot examined several weeks later. (I am the stubborn type!) The x-ray indicated that, yes, I put that specific toe back in the original position it was in prior to surgery, and I would have to have it fixed again. Alternatively, I could leave it alone until it really started to bother me. I chose the latter. My left foot has a toe wherein the top joint has forced its way up and over the lower part of the toe, recreating that hammertoe effect I had corrected three years ago.

Fortunately, broken toes typically are not difficult to treat. According to, it is a good idea to have your toe x-rayed if you suspect you fractured it in an accident. The key ingredient to successful healing is to make sure that the fracture is aligned and shows good apposition. Without such alignment and apposition, the fracture will take much longer to heal, and it could quite possibly heal in a crooked fashion. (Hence, the reason I don’t wear sandals anymore.) Next, be sure to get some rest and elevate the foot. These two things alone allow the body to engage in its natural healing process.

How do you know if you actually did break your toe when you awakened in the middle of the night and trusted yourself to make it to the bathroom in the dark, but, alas, met your painful fate with an end table? tells us that the most common symptoms are swelling (edema) and bruising at the site. Plus, most likely, you will find it difficult to get into your shoes. While it is not always easy to differentiate between a fracture and a sprain, if significant bruising is present, it typically indicates a fracture.

In treating the broken toe(s), buddy splinting is an option. Using a self-adherent wrap works well for splinting the toes. Simply wrap the toe in a cylindrical fashion, much like a cast. This allows for the splinting, but also helps to control the swelling. Remember that it can take up to ten weeks for a fractured toe to fully heal. Further, the use of ice, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medicine can help with the related pain.

Bear in mind that some fractured toe cases do require that you get to a doctor immediately. The web site reminds us to look at the afflicted digit daily, and if you see any of the following, be sure to see your physician as soon as possible:

**The pain gets worse or is not relieved by pain medication.
**Sores, redness, or open wounds are present near the injured toe.
**A cast or splint you might have on the toe is damaged or broken.

A visit to the hospital emergency room should be undertaken if the area around the broken toe gets cold, numb, or your toes begin to give you a tingling sensation. If the skin around that area turns blue or gray, get to an ER quickly. Also, if you experience any open wounds, bleeding, or drainage near the site, it would be a good idea to get to the ER right away.

I have discovered one true inherent blessing in my bathroom incident of late: I no longer have to spend money no pedicures as I cannot stand to allow that foot to be seen in public! If no one can see it, why bother? Be kind to your feet, and be sure to stay on your toes, avoiding any accidents. They may be small, but they sure can be painful when fractured!