Although I have never injured a finger to the point of it being dislocated, I have sustained such trauma to my toes. As much as that hurt, I can only assume the pain associated with a dislocated finger. This is a common injury, and it occurs when the bones of the finger are moved, or dislocated, from their normal position. While it can happen in any of the joints in the fingers, the most common joint to fall victim to this is the middle knuckle of the pinkie, ring, middle, or index finger.

It is usually caused by some sort of “jamming” force starting at the end of the finger. Also, the finger might be overextended by force. Both of these situations, or a combination thereof, can cause a dislocated finger.

Athletes are particularly susceptible to this type of injury. For example, a basketball or a baseball may hit the tip of an outstretched finger, or a player’s finger might accidentally become caught in something such as a game jersey or shoulder pads. In some instances, falling on an outstretched hand can cause a dislocated finger.

The outward signs of a dislocated finger are highly obvious. It may look crooked, or become swollen. It may bend upwards or at a strange angle. It will also be very painful. It is usually difficult, if not impossible, to bend or straighten a dislocated finger.

Other symptoms of a dislocated finger include numbness or tingling; it may appear to be pale in color, and the skin might be broken where the injury occurred. For any of these symptoms, a doctor should be seen immediately. Failing to do so may result in difficult treatment or failure to heal properly. If sensation is lost in the finger and it feels numb, then seek treatment in the emergency room right away. If the finger is cold, pale, or blue in color, or if there are any open areas of skin, it is imperative that a doctor is consulted without hesitation.

After examining the affected finger, an x-ray of it will confirm the dislocation and reveal any other broken bones. It is inadvisable to treat a dislocated finger at home. Be sure to remove any rings on the affected finger right away, before increased swelling makes that difficult.

Realignment of the bones will be done by the doctor, usually requiring a local anesthetic injection to help with the pain during this process. The finger will then be placed in a splint or taped to the adjacent healthy finger. A second x-ray may be needed for the doctor to be sure the alignment was done properly.

Once back at home, be sure to apply an ice pack to the area for about 30 minutes, every three to four hours for the first couple of days. Be sure to elevate the finger on pillows when lying down or when sitting to allow for the reduction in swelling. The doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the inflammation. Expect to have the finger splinted for about three to six weeks. While most mild dislocations can easily be put back into place, there may be some discomfort on a moderate level for up to a year. There may also be some permanent swelling or some sort of disfigurement to the affected joint.

I have to admit, to this day, after two years, my toe is still dislocated. I suspect I would put more stock into the situation if it had been one of my fingers. I enjoy manicures too much not to do so! Needless to say, I no longer get pedicures!

(Information for this article was found at