Scientists from DiaGenic ASA in Oslo, Norway have developed a blood test that may catch breast cancer earlier. This test can find tiny tumors by detecting chemical levels in the blood that point to breast cancer. The earlier the detection, the better the chance of complete recovery.

Thus far, the test has shown a seventy-five percent accuracy rate in small trials. Private patients in the UK can get the blood test now. The ultimate goal, after more tests and trials, is to make it available to every woman in the UK on the National Health Service (NHS).

This is potentially great news in the fight against breast cancer. And in a time when there is uncertainty about the safety of mammograms, a blood test sounds very benign.

Dr. Erik Christensen, the chief executive at DiaGenic, says, "We believe this technology has huge potential. There are many women, especially women below 50, for whom mammography can miss 20 to 30 percent of their cases.",0#comment-form