Dr. Andrew Weil started studying medicinal and psychoactive plants over thirty years ago. He is presently Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona,and holds the Lovell-Jones Endowed Chair in Integrative Rheumatology.

Dr. Weil's interest in alternative methods of treating disease led him to the food we eat, and its preparation. Dr. Weil talks about cooking methods possibly linked with increased risk of breast cancer.

Dr. Weil:
We know so much about dietary factors that affect breast cancer and I think this is something that all women should know, but one of them, just one example, in the Wisconsin Nurses’ Study (Nurses’ Health Study II) which is a very good population study, one of the strongest correlations found was a preference for well-done meat. And this was determined by showing women pictures of meat and they were asked to pick out the way they liked it cooked. And a preference for well-done meat had strongly associated with increased risk of breast cancer.

We know that cooking over high temperature and long cooking of animal foods generates carcinogenic compounds and that’s a simple preventive measure that people can take.

About Dr. Weil, M.D.:
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., was born in Philadelphia in 1942, received an A.B. degree in biology (botany) from Harvard in 1964 and an M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 1968. After completing a medical internship at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco, he worked a year with the National Institute of Mental Health before writing his first book, The Natural Mind. From 1971-75, as a Fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs, Dr. Weil traveled widely in North and South America and Africa collecting information on drug use in other cultures, medicinal plants, and alternative methods of treating disease. From 1971-84 he was on the research staff of the Harvard Botanical Museum and conducted investigations of medicinal and psychoactive plants.

Visit Dr. Weil at his website http://www.drweil.com
