There are many types of drugs that can be used for breast surgery. The type that will be chosen will depend on the type of cancer. The choice will also depend on whether a tumor is estrogen- or progesterone-receptor positive.

A surgeon who has practiced medicine for many years will know what drugs are the right choice for a particular surgery. It's vital that patients search out a breast surgeon, particularly one well-seasoned in medical oncology, who is experienced with the array of drugs that can be used for these surgeries.

"Dr. Jay Harness, M.D., is the Director at St. Joseph Hospital Comprehensive Breast Center. Practicing medicine for 35 years, Dr. Harness specializes in general surgery and medical oncology. Graduating medical school from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he conducting his internship and residency at the University of Michigan Medical Center. Recognized nationally and internationally for his work in breast and endocrine surgery, Dr. Harness is the immediate past-President of The American Society of Breast Surgeons and is President-elect of Breast Surgery International. Dr. Harness can assist patients in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese."
