Marisa Weiss, M.D. is the founder of is one of the world’s most trafficked online resources for breast cancer and breast health information. Every year, receives millions of visitors from over 230 countries.

Weiss, a breast cancer oncologist with more than 20 years of active practice in the Philadelphia region, is an advocate for breast cancer. Her commitment to empowering and informing women about breast health is remarkable.

In 2000, she developed offers over 6,000 pages of original, peer-reviewed medical content and illustrations on every aspect of breast cancer, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. The website also provides research news and "Ask-the-Expert" conferences plus a vibrant worldwide "cyber community" featuring 24-hour chat rooms and discussion boards, where women give each other information, hope and support.

Weiss devotes four days a week to the medically-reviewed website. In addition, she sees patients three days a week.

In a telephone interview, this visionary and breast cancer advocate said, ʺ is a safe and reliable place for women to go and get for the best medical information. Women can go to the site anytime of the day or night.ʺ

Ironically, Weiss recently learned that she had invasive Stage 1 cancer in her left breast.

In a recent interview with NPR, Weiss stated, "So I am a direct beneficiary of early detection. And so I feel very grateful to have a high-quality mammogram, a digital mammogram. I believe strongly that women should get their first mammogram starting at age 40 and have it each year after that — and start even earlier if they're at higher risk."

A year ago, a federal task force re-issued recommendations for mammograms. The new guidelines call for postponing routine screening for women at average risk to age 50, from 40, and recommend scans every other year instead of every year.

Weiss was one of their fiercest critics of the new guidelines. According to her, "Mammograms aren’t perfect, but they save lives.ʺ Weiss said one may have saved hers.

Since her diagnosis, Weiss has made some lifestyle changes. Weiss changes included filtering her tap water, no longer cooking in plastic and buying hormone-free meat and organic fruit. She eats lots of leafy green vegetables, has cut down on wine and always tries to get a plenty of sleep.

She has also lost 15 pounds and became a Zumba enthusiast.

In an interview with the New York Times, Weiss said, "I’m sharing my story in order to encourage women to step forward and get that mammogram. I’m lucky to have caught this early, and I want to use my situation as an example of the value of early detection. The thing is: every woman is at risk. And every woman needs to do everything she can to protect herself.ʺ
