When it comes to breast cancer surgery, there actually are several options available. This article will discuss three – prophylactic mastectomy, prophylactic ovary removal and cryotherapy. Whatever a patient’s decision, there needs to be research, a thorough consultation with your medical team and even a second opinion because, in many cases, once surgery is performed, the changes are permanent.

Prophylactic Mastectomy

Simply defined, prophylactic mastectomy is the surgical removal of both breasts, used as a precautionary step to avoid the development of cancer. This is a very drastic and invasive medical procedure. As stated before, careful consideration and a thorough investigation should be done before any decision is made. Who should consider this procedure? According to BreastCancer.org, the following persons may want to consider this type of surgery:

If you have a strong family history of breast cancer;
If you’ve tested positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations;
If you have a personal history of breast cancer;
If you have been diagnosed with lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS);
If you have had radiation therapy to the chest before age 30; or
If you have widely spread breast calcifications or you have dense breasts.

There are two types of prophylactic mastectomy surgeries - simple or total mastectomy and subcutaneous mastectomy. During the simple or total mastectomy, the nipple, areola and all the breast tissue are removed but none of the axillary lymph nodes or chest wall muscles are. The subcutaneous mastectomy, however, leaves the nipple while all the breast tissue is cut away. This procedure has come under scrutiny because when breast tissue of any amount is left behind, breast cancer risk is still present.

Risks of Prophylactic Mastectomy

Prophylactic mastectomy surgery has normal risks as any other surgery:

Bleeding or infection;
Fluid collecting under the scar;
Delayed wound healing; and
Scar tissue formation.

Additional risks may include:

surgical changes that are permanent and irreversible;
significant loss of sensation in the breast which may impact sexuality;
inability to breastfeed from affected areas;
anxiety about body image; and
not a total guarantee (90 percent guarantee) that breast cancer will not reoccur; cancer can extend to collarbone, armpit or remaining tissue, no matter how small.

Prophylactic Ovary Removal

According to BreastCancer.org, breast cancer requires estrogen to develop, so it has been found that removing the ovaries will slow or even stop the growth of any breast cancer cells. Therefore, some women who are at risk decide to remove their ovaries. This procedure is called prophylactic ovary removal or prophylactic oophorectomy. Being at high risk means you’ve tested positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 – an abnormal gene.

Additionally, you may want to consider this procedure if:

You are a BRCA2 carrier since those with this abnormal gene have had greater benefits of lowering breast cancer risks when removing ovaries;
You have first-degree relatives who had breast and/or ovarian cancer;
You have a family history of ovarian cancer in two or more relatives;
You have a person history of early breast cancer;
You have a personal or family history of other cancers, especially colorectal or uterine;
You have a male family member with breast cancer; and
You are of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.

Risks of Prophylactic Ovary Removal

Prophylactic ovary removal surgery has normal risks as any other surgery:

Bleeding or infection;
Scar tissue formation;
Intestinal blockage and/or injuring to internal organs – although rare; and

Additional risks may include

fatigue for 3-4 weeks;
changes in digestive system;
start of menopausal symptoms;
surgical changes that are irreversible;
inability to get pregnant; and
onset of menopause.


Cryotherapy is defined as the use of extreme cold to kill cancer cells. Because all cells contain water, this procedure turns cells into ice crystals, destroying them. Cryotherapy is used regularly by dermatologists when treating early skin cancer or skin lesions. Also, this type of surgery is used to treat cervical, prostate and bone cancer. What about breast cancer? It is still in the experimental stages. Scientists are trying to find out whether this could be a good alternative in the future for patients. In other words, we will have to wait and see.

Best in Health!

Resource: BreastCancer.org

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer who loves poetry. Some of her favorite writers are Langston Hughes, Emily Dickerson, Maya Angelou, and of course, William Shakespeare.