Today is day 2 of the chemo Taxotere and so far so good. I spoke with the oncologist today and he said I shouldn’t see any side effects until later in the week or even into next week. I am nervous about the wedding and how I will be feeling, but no matter what happens I am going and will put on a smile. The doctor also said I will definitely loose my hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. I hate this! I have had long hair most of my life so this is really going to freak me out. I wish I could drink more so I could bring a bottle of vodka with me while they are shaving my head.

Gina came back from Buffalo today. It was good to see her and catch up. It gets lonely around here if you don’t have someone staying with you. I haven’t been by to see Kim, but I heard that she had a rough day today and fell as she was trying to go to the bathroom. I am preying that she is okay and nothing is broken or that the fall didn’t cause any other damage. She already has enough to deal with.

Today I spoke with the pulmonologist and he said that they have me on antibiotics to get rid of a little bit of pneumonia that I have in my left lung. I should be finished tomorrow, so they will just need to get me off the pain pump. Even if I’m not finished with the antibiotics, they have it in the form of a pill. I can’t wait to go home. I am starting to go a little stir crazy. I’ve been here for 2 and 1/2 weeks and I am so bored! I feel like I am just wasting valueable time. I miss seeing my friends and Wes on a regular basis. I miss my kitties even though I know they are probably tearing up the house right now.

Hopefully, tomorrow will bring good news…