This is the second article of a three-part series of articles discussing the side effects of radiation. Radiation is a procedure that kills off any leftover cancer cells that surgery didn’t get. On the other hand, no procedure is a 100 percent cure-all or side effect free. This would definitely include radiation.

Armpit Discomfort

Some patients have pain, swelling, fullness or numbness after surgery to remove any breast cancer. During surgery, nerves in the breast area and near your armpit may be cut. Further, the surgeon may have had to physically maneuver some tissue around. In both cases, the result may leave the patient with a feeling of numbness, tenderness or swelling. Add to the fact that your armpit skin is so close to the breast that this skin gets sore after radiation treatment is done. It may not help that when we naturally swing our arms back and forth, this may cause friction as well.

Tips to Ease Armpit Discomfort as Described by

Use cornstarch instead of deodorant or antiperspirant to reduce underarm friction.
Avoid strong soaps
Don’t shave your armpit during your radiation course
Wear loose clothing
Apply aloe vera lotion/gel or hydrocortisone cream if your armpit becomes irritated
Use warm rather than hot water while showering

Chest Pain

After surgery, the patient can feel pain or even numbness in the chest area where the incision was made. Even though with time nerves repair themselves, having been cut during the surgical procedure may result in pain and numbness. But even during and after radiation therapy, some have experienced shooting pain in the chest area. Simply put, radiation can irritate the nerves and may even cause them to swell.

Tips on Easing Chest Pain Discomfort as Described by

Sometimes, chest pain can be alleviated by medications that your doctor may recommend. It is always advisable to talk to your doctor first before treating any kind of chest pain yourself. After your doctor has made his recommendations, other kinds of techniques such as the ones below can also be used:

Chiropractic therapy
Massage therapy
Music therapy
Hot or cold packs
Eating a healthy diet

Heart Problems

Can radiation treatment cause heart problems? According to, evidently so. Even though many factors can increase a person’s risk for heart attack, it is found that the following breast cancer treatments may add to this risk for some:

Chemotherapy - Adriamycin
Radiation therapy
Targeted therapies – Herceptin, Avastin
Hormonal therapies – Arimidex, Aromasin, Femara, tamoxifen, Faslodex

So, if you are having chest pains, breathing problems, coughing, swelling in your feet or lower legs or even dizziness, talk to your doctor right away. Your doctor will try to find the root of the problem so correct treatment can be administered. She will run tests before and during treatment to make a correct analysis, and subsequently, make any adjustments needed.

Tips for Avoiding Heart Problems as Described by

Talk to your doctor right away
Manage high blood pressure
Stop smoking
Use relaxation techniques
Manage your cholesterol levels
Eat a healthy diet
Maintain a healthy weight

Low White Blood Cell Count

What do the white blood cells do? They are responsible for fighting infection. If your body is low in white blood cells, you have an increased risk for acquiring an infection. The following are breast cancer treatments that may lower your white blood count:

Radiation therapy
Target therapies – Herceptin, Tykerb, Avastin

The following are symptoms of infections:

Sore throat or cough
Shortness of breath
Nasal congestion
Vaginal discharge, itching or burning during urination
An injury that becomes irritated

Tips for Boosting White Blood Cell Count as Described by

Your doctor will no doubt keep watch on your white blood cell count during all phases of your treatment. If she notices a dip in this area, she may prescribe medications to stimulate your immune system and/or stop treatment temporarily. This gives you time to build up your immunity before finishing your full course of treatment.

You may also want to consider:

Avoiding large crowds during cold and flu season
Washing your hands frequently
Preventing cut and scrapes
Not picking at scabs or pimples, which can become infected
Holding off all dental work until treatment is done
Eating a healthy diet

Lung Problems

We all know that the lungs help us breathe; a very important function indeed. Unfortunately, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapies (such as Herceptin) and hormonal therapy (such as tamoxifen) have been noted to induce breathing problems for some breast cancer patients.

If such is the case, please talk to your physician or medical team as soon as possible. They will make the necessary changes to any medications or treatments upon careful analysis.


Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer who encourages everyone to give in the way of community service!