Dr. Maoshing Ni is devoted to the prevention of cancer. He recommends that you reduce your risk of cancer by eating foods that are anti-cancerous.

Ginger is anti-inflammatory, soothing to the stomach and anti-cancerous. Asparagus has properties that reduce the risk of cancer, along with B vitamins and antioxidants. Asparagus juice is used in China to reduce the risk of cancer.

Brown rice, all types of squash, crucifer vegetables like broccoli, and leafy greens like Swiss chard, each do their bit for the prevention of cancer. Many types of mushrooms enhance killer cells, also called white blood cells or lymphocytes, which kill foreign intruders.

Dr. Maoshing Ni recommends eating five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables every day. And while you're enjoying them, you'll reduce your risk of cancer.

"Dr. Mao, as he prefers to be called, is a 38th generation doctor of Chinese medicine, a Licensed Acupuncturist, a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology, and a Diplomat in Anti-Aging.

"For over 20 years, Dr. Mao has been in general practice at Los Angeles, California’s Tao of Wellness, an acclaimed center for nutrition, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture, with special interest in immune, hormonal, and aging-related conditions."
