According to writer Chris Gromisch, the latest reports on the health benefits of resveratrol keep getting better and better. New research suggests that it just might aid in the treatment or prevention of skin cancer.

Resveratrol is a compound found in the skin of red grapes. It is also a component of red wine. A study has shown that when resveratrol has been absorbed into the skin of SKH-1 hairless mice before or after the mice have been exposed to UVB radiation, it inhibits the production of tumors.

The best results occured when the resveratrol was applied after exposure to UVB. This encouraging research is only in the early stages, but once again, the possible health benefits of resveratrol are evident.

"The result of the study was that application of resveratrol does not serve as a topical treatment (i.e.a skin cream) but rather is absorbed into the skin as functions to inhibit tumor production. The reason resveratrol reduced tumor incidence to only actinic keratoses is not understood, but it is believed that resveratrol inhibits the surviving-phosphorylation at Thr34."