Two oncology nurses offer a list a questions to ask your doctor if you're diagnosed with cancer. Their book, “The Chemotherapy Survival Guide”, provides comprehensive descriptions of how to take care of yourself after you're diagnosed with cancer. The first step is a conference with your doctor or group of doctors who will give you a treatment plan.

“Many people who are facing cancer therapy for the first time feel as if they've been dropped off behind enemy lines during a war.” This is how Judith McKay and Tamera Schacher describe that visit with the doctor(s). It may be difficult to remember all the things you would like to know more about, so these authors suggest you prepare questions ahead of time. Here are some to consider:

1. What is the goal of treatment? Ideally, we would all like to eliminate the cancer completely and prevent its recurrence, but this is not always possible. For some, the goal is to slow the spread of cancer and achieve a period of inactivity (remission) for as long as possible. For others, the goal is to reduce the symptoms to produce a better quality of life.
2. What is the treatment plan? This may include surgery, radiation, targeted chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and other options.
3. What are the names of the medications I will receive?
4. What is the treatment schedule? This information should include the number of treatments of each type, and the timing.
5. How long will each treatment take? Unlike ordinary injections, chemotherapy sometimes requires several hours of intravenous administration.
6. What side effects can I expect, and how can they be managed? You may receive other medications to prevent or reduce the side effects of the cancer-fighting agents.
7. How will the treatment affect my other conditions? Your doctor should discuss with you in detail how to take care of other health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, etc.
8. What effects will this treatment have on my sexuality and fertility? There may be temporary or permanent changes.
9. How will this affect my activities? Make your own list of issues that are important to you, such as work, family responsibilities, social events, travel, and hobbies.
10. How will I know if the treatment plan is working? Your doctor may want to do tests at regular intervals to monitor your progress.


Judith McKay, RN, OCN, and Tamera Schacher, RN, OCN, MSN, “The Chemotherapy Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Get Through Treatment”, third edition, New Harbinger Publications, Inc, 2009.

Linda Fugate is a scientist and writer in Austin, Texas. She has a Ph.D. in Physics and an M.S. in Macromolecular Science and Engineering. Her background includes academic and industrial research in materials science. She currently writes song lyrics and health articles.