It’s not something most people want to think about, but approximately 70 percent of Americans will need some type of long-term care after age 65. There are many different kinds and levels of care available.

Nursing homes, also known as Skilled Nursing Care centers, are a common choice for people who need a higher level of care. Nursing homes offer 24-hour staffing with comprehensive care services including care by a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN).

These facilities most often act as permanent places to live for people who are too sick or weak to live at home. In some cases, nursing homes can also act as a transition from a hospital stay to home during a recovery period following a serious illness or accident.

Because nursing homes typically become a permanent home, it is important to compare nursing homes to find the best fit for yourself or your loved one.

Consider these points before selecting a nursing home:

Licensing - Laws governing the licensing of nursing homes vary by state. Check with the appropriate agencies to find out what the law in your state requires. Then check with each facility you are considering to make sure it is licensed and has a solid history of success with state-required inspections.

Location – Think about how close the facility is to family and friends who can visit and help with medical and other decisions if needed.

Medical Care - Find out how many doctors are affiliated with the facility and how care is provided. Some facilities provided one-to-one care from a personal, attending physician. Others have a medical director who oversees care for many residents.

Additional Staffing – Consider how many nurses and other caregivers are on staff and how many are on-site at any given time. Also ask about available care in case of stroke, surgery, or heart issues.

Some facilities offer various types of therapy including speech, respiratory, physical, or occupational therapy. You may also want to consider how often nursing home jobs are posted for the facility and how frequently changes are made to the staff.

Daily Needs – Find out who provides help with the daily needs of living such as bathing, getting into and out of bed, using the toilet, getting dressed, moving around the facility, and eating.

Activities - Because a nursing home actually is “home”, it’s also important to make sure the facility offers a variety of activities and services so living there can be enjoyable as well as safe and healthful.

Nursing home care can be expensive, so cost is another important consideration in choosing a facility. Some nursing homes are certified providers for Medicare or Medicaid.

Visit the Medicare website for interactive tools to help in your search for approved facilities.

The site also provides a detailed nursing home checklist to print and take when you visit nursing homes to help keep track of the pluses and minuses at each facility.


Care Conversations. Types of Care. Web. January 22, 2012.

Medicare. Nursing Homes: Overview. Web. January 22, 2012.

Medicare. Nursing Homes: Alternatives to Nursing Home Care. Web. January 22, 2012.

Medicare. Health Care Choice Resources. Web. January 22, 2012.

Reviewed January 24, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith