I really didn't think I'd ever find myself writing again.

I was in bed with a brain full of static, and a body swirling with hallucinogenic sensation, for alot of years. I'd look back wistfully on my life pre-CFS, feeling like my memories were someone else's. I pretty much felt like my life was over, the future ahead of me looked depressingly like the present.

And yet! I find myself being given a second chance.

I feel very fortunate in this. And there are a few things I want to say.

If you are sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as I have been, I want to tell you that there is reason to have hope. I want you to know that though your body and your brain may not be functioning very well, and though your symptoms may be distressing and all-consuming, that healing is possible. The mental, physical and emotional upheaval can be calmed and brought into balance. The weak areas can be strengthened. The toxicity can be cleared. And strength, clarity and endurance can return to you.

I spent 15 years losing the battle against CFS. Then, two years ago, I found treatment that began to work for me, and slowly but surely I have been reclaiming my health. Progress is slow but it is real and though I experience dips and valleys, the gains are lasting.

Over the coming weeks, I'd like to share with you some of the things that have been helping me climb out of the hell-hole that is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'd like to encourage you to hope for a better future.

