Living with chronic pain is a challenge. Not only must you contend with the pain but there's so much contradictory advice out there it's hard to know what to do.

"When you have chronic pain, it's hard to sort out the myths from the facts. To feel better, are you supposed to rest in bed or go jogging? Should you talk to your doctor about trying potent opioid painkillers or should you steer clear? Is it worth trying that 'miracle cure' that your co-worker absolutely swears cured her sciatica?"

Relieving chronic pain often takes more than just finding and treating the underlying cause. And that's if the underlying cause can be found.

Sometimes bedrest relieves chronic pain. And sometimes it makes chronic pain worse. Often, physical activity will lessen the pain. But not always. So there you go.

Getting older opens up plenty of opportunities for chronic pain to develop but it is not inevitable and does not happen to everyone. No matter how many time some well-meaning harbinger of doom tells you that we all have more pain as we get older, it just ain't so.