According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. The CDC stated that more than 149,000 Americans were diagnosed with the disease and 50,000 died of it in 2008. Medical experts believe colonoscopy screenings could have prevented more than 60 percent of those deaths.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force on Screening for Colorectal Cancer and American Cancer Society recommends a colonoscopy screening at the age of 50 with a repeat of the screening every 10 years. However, if you are in high risk group, your physician may recommend a colonoscopy earlier.

More than 90 percent of colon cancer cases occur in people over 50 years of age. Also, the risk of colon cancer increases with age.

A gastroenterologist performs a colonoscopy at a medical facility equipped to handle potential medical complications. On average, there are complications in one out of every 400 colonoscopies. Complications may include bleeding, colon perforation, infection, abdominal pain, or a cardiovascular event.

Two days before the procedure, your health care provider will give you instructions on how to cleanse your intestines. This will include laxatives, enemas and a change in diet. You will not be able to eat solids for two to three days before the procedure. Also, inform your doctor immediately if you are currently taking medication for other health issues, as he or she will instruct you on the best way to proceed.

Prior to the colonoscopy, you will receive a sedative and pain reliever. You will lie on your left side with your knees brought up towards your chest.

During a colonoscopy, a thin flexible camera scope is inserted into the rectum. The camera offers a direct view of the entire colon. The camera looks for growths, also known as polyps, which can become cancerous. It is believed a precancerous growth can take 10 years to become cancerous. Adenomatous polyps are one of the causes of most colorectal cancers. During the screening, the clinician will remove polyps and test them for cancer.

Also, you will feel pressure as the camera moves inside your colon. Air is inserted during the exam to allow the camera to advance. This may cause temporary cramps. You may have gas pains during the procedure. Passing gas is expected and necessary during the procedure. During the procedure take deep slow breaths to relax your abdominal muscles.

After the procedure you will need to have someone drive you home. You will also have excess gas due to the procedure. If you experience bleeding or any other complications after the procedure, contact your medical professional immediately.

According to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, the average cost of a colonoscopy is $3,081 dollars. Depending on where you reside, the cost of a colonoscopy ranges from $2,010 to $3,764. If your insurance plan includes wellness screenings, your cost could be zero. However, depending on your deductible and co-pay your cost could reach up to $1,500.

If you are unable to pay for a colonoscopy, the CDC offers the Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) which provides funding to 25 states and four tribes across the U.S. The program offers colorectal cancer screening and follow-up care to women and men aged 50–64 years who are underinsured or uninsured. For additional information, see the following link:
