One of the reasons I love websites like is because they highlight the differences between men and women with respect to health. For many years medical studies were conducted just on men and the results were just applied to women assuming the same outcome. This has been a troubling way of predicting health outcomes for women because the differences in anatomy and physiology for women can be significant. The symptoms and presentation of disease can show up differently for women than men. A perfect example of the importance of studying gender differences is the symptoms for heart attacks. Women tend to have chest discomfort or pain, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, light headedness, sweating, shortness of breath, upper arm or shoulder pain or neck pain. Women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and back pain than men. Understanding these differences for women may save a women’s life.

Diabetes is one of the leading diseases in the United States today. There have been several studies showing that diabetes type II has an associative risk for developing colon cancer. The studies have shown that men who have diabetes and are using insulin have a 33 percent higher likelihood to develop colon cancer than men who don’t have diabetes type II. Women who have type II diabetes do not have a higher associated risk of developing colon cancer. The researchers did not have a direct reason why women show a lower risk. One theory is that women are gaining better control of the blood sugars and controlling their diabetes better than their male counterparts according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The better control of blood sugars seems to prevent a chain reaction of which causes more cancer causing substances in the body. Because women were able to make a decision to manage their blood sugars better they were able to lower their risk of colon cancer. Here is another example of the differences between women and men in reference to health outcomes.

Where the reasons are related to biological or behavioral changes women studies need to continue to look at the gender differences to help all people be more informed about how to impact their health in a positive way.

Live Vibrantly,

Dr. Dae

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Dr. Dae's book: Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living can be purchased @

Dr. Dae's Bio:

“Dr. Dae" (pronounced Dr. Day) Daemon Jones is a Naturopathic Physician who completed her training at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is certified as a General Practitioner by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). Dr. Dae provides tailored treatment to meet the unique needs of every individual she sees in her practice. She also provides specialized support for persons challenged by nutritional deficiencies, weight problems, hormonal and reproductive system disorders, attention deficit disorder and those experiencing chronic diseases. Dr. Dae is an adjunct faculty member for Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts. She is the author of Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living. Dr. Dae is a featured chef with Dr. Dae is a regularly featured writer for the Elite GoogleNews Website where she shares her personal and professional vision for living whole and living well. To learn more about Dr. Dae, her products and services, please visit her on the Web at