Many people have experienced the discomfort of constipation at least a few times throughout life. When you have infrequent bowel movements that are uncomfortable, and the stool is hard and dry, this is considered to be constipation.

It’s a common gastrointestinal problem in the U.S., and some causes are not drinking enough water, using too much of laxative medications, not exercising enough, resting in bed, and taking certain medications like pain relievers and antidepressants.

Besides the obvious, symptoms include abdominal pain, feeling full in the abdomen, having difficulties passing stool, not being able to relieve all of the stool and passing stool that looks like rabbit pellets.

Treatment options include making lifestyle changes, like eating a more balanced diet with larger amounts of fiber, limiting processed and fatty foods, exercising on a consistent basis and drinking enough water. Laxatives and stool softeners can help as well.