Most of us have seen the cute little Red Dress® pins floating around. Maybe, you even own one. If you have to own one dress this romance season, forget the standard little black cocktail dress and get one of those sexy little red numbers. All of us need a sexy little red dress.

Why? Because red is the symbol of life and vitality and we are vital, beautiful, sexy women. The little Red Dress is also a symbol for The Heart Truth® campaign. Sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (along with partner organizations), The Heart Truth is a national campaign that began in 2002 to raise awareness of women's risk of heart disease.

That sexy little Red Dress is all about saving the lives of women by raising our awareness to our risk of heart disease so that we’ll get up off the couch and take action. Heart disease is still one of the most preventable diseases. If we can prevent it, why aren’t we taking action?

Many women hear the warning but do not take action because they feel that this is a man’s disease. While this may have been true in the past, the world has changed and if we want to live, our perception regarding heart disease needs to change as well. The truth is that heart disease is no longer just for men. One in four women die each year of heart related disease compared to one in thirty from breast cancer. Pay attention sisters- heart disease in women is serious!

Some women may feel that they are still too young to worry about heart disease. This misconception may actually cost many women their health or even their lives because nothing could be father from the truth. The real facts about women and heart disease are that women as young as their teens may have risk factors for heart disease. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), 80% of all women between 40 – 60 years have at least one heart disease risk factor.

The NHLBI found the following in women 18 years or older:

• Current smoker - 17.3%
• Overweight – 51.6%
• High blood pressure (hypertension) – 27%
• High cholesterol – 35%
• Limited physical activity – 53%

The risk factors for heart disease are greater for women of African American or Hispanic descent. According the NHLBI, more than 80% of all of women in their midlife, of these ethnicities, are overweight. In addition, 52% of African American will have been diagnosed with hypertension by midlife and another 14% with diabetes. Women of Hispanic descent also have a greater incidence of diabetes by midlife.

Please remember that it only takes one risk factor to double your risk of heart disease. Once you have heart disease there is no cure. Yet, by simply addressing your risk factors, you can lower your overall risk of heart disease as much as 80%.

Prevention is the best medicine for heart disease. Since heart disease is so preventable, resolve to take action.

First steps should include:

1. Spread the word – Tell your sisters, your aunts, your mothers, your daughters, your cousins and friends. They need to know their risk factors for heart disease and encourage them to take action towards improved heart health.

2. Assess your personal risk – every woman should know her risk factors for heart disease. "Go Red for Women" and "My Life Check" are excellent resources to get a snapshot of your heart health. You owe it to yourself to know and understand your heart risk.

3. Address your risk factors. This is always the hardest thing to do because you need to address EACH risk factor individually. If you are overweight and smoke, it’s not enough to lose 20 pounds and manage your weight. You also have to quit smoking. Every risk factor over which you have control needs to be addressed.

4. Assess your risk, then talk to your doctor and put a plan in place. Go with a list of questions. Work with him/her to put a plan together to reduce or eliminate all of your risk factors for heart disease.

5. Take action! In project management, the number one rule is “Plan the Work and Work the Plan.” Now that you have assessed your risk and put together a plan, implement the plan!

Heart disease is a serious but often preventable condition. Because February is the American Heart Month, we’re focused on awareness and prevention but heart disease is too important of a condition to limit to February only. Think about that sexy little Red Dress and its heart health reminder every day of the year, not just in February.

Lower Heart Disease Risk, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute,

About The Heart Truth®, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute,