Crohn's disease is an agonizing condition to live with. It often brings with it a need for surgery, as well as excruciating pain and intense flareups for the rest of your life.

Or, it did.

Research published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry shows a link between Crohn's disease and Vitamin D deficiency. Two genes are known to affect Crohn's. NOD2 and Beta Defensin 2 have real significance for the immune system. And research has now uncovered the fact that Vitamin D has a direct interaction with both NOD2 and Beta Defensin 2, and can counter the ill effects of Crohn's disease.

The good news is that treating a Vitamin D deficiency is easy and affordable through the use of Vitamin D supplements.

"The fact that Crohn’s disease affects more people from northern countries has long puzzled scientists. But now researchers believe that those from the north may be more susceptible to the disease because they receive less sunlight than is needed to create an adequate amount of Vitamin D."