A degenerative disease that affects cognition and behavior, dementia can become progressively worse, while some causes of dementia can be reversed. The MayoClinic.com points out that progressive dementias include frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. With frontotemporal dementia, patients have a degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes. Vascular dementia results when patients have damage to the arteries that deliver blood to the brain, such as from a stroke. Patients with Lewy body dementia have abnormal proteins in the brain, called Lewy bodies. Alzheimer's disease patients also have abnormalities in their brain—plaque and tangle formations.

With the reversible causes of dementia, patients can stop the worsening of symptoms or reverse the damage when the underlying cause is treated. For example, chronic alcohol abuse, brain tumors, normal pressure hydrocephalus and low vitamin B12 levels may cause dementia. Dementia can result from metabolic causes, such as low levels of calcium, blood sugar or sodium. MedlinePlus notes that certain medications may cause dementia, which include some cholesterol-lowering medications and cimetadine.

The symptoms of dementia can be debilitating. By the last stage of the disease, patients have severe memory, difficulty understanding language, and problems caring for themselves. The MayoClinic.com explains that people can make certain lifestyle changes that may prevent or delay dementia. These methods include eating a healthy diet and lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and homocysteine levels. People can also participate in mental activities to strengthen their brain's power. Other methods include controlling diabetes and getting all required vaccinations.

Exercise can also be a valuable tool in preventing the cognitive decline of dementia. In a new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, the researchers note that exercise may help prevent dementia, especially in girls. The study surveyed over 9,300 women in the United States who were older than 65, with the average age of participants being 72. The participants were asked about their exercises habits before they were 18, at 30, at 50 and later in their lives. HealthDay News reports that 15 to 30 percent of participants were inactive during each period.

The researchers found that the most influential period of exercise on dementia prevention was before age 18. HealthDay News notes that 17 percent of participants who were inactive before they were 18 had dementia symptoms later in life, while 8.5 percent of participants who were active during that time had dementia symptoms later in life. The researchers point out that exercising earlier in life sets people up for physical activity later in life. Theories behind the link of exercise and dementia prevention include 1) exercise causes the brain to make new circuitry and 2) exercise causes less clogging of the brain's blood vessels.

However, there are limitations to this study. HealthDay News points out that the findings do not prove that exercise prevents dementia, as the participants provided recollection only. Further studies that follow participants and tracks their actual physical activity may show a more definitive link.