Summer has finally arrived which means that wedding season is officially underway! During these next few months, lovebirds everywhere will be a-flutter planning their special day — from venues and entertainment to decor and photography.

Speaking of those all-important wedding photographs, what newlywed couple doesn’t want to dazzle on-camera? Shouldn’t your smile reflect the brilliance of this momentous occasion?

For teeth that match the bride’s pristine designer gown or the groom’s crisp collared shirt, it is recommended that you start a whitening regimen about three to four weeks before your nuptials take place.

From professional treatments to home techniques, the following strategies will make your smile sparkle — even after the “I Do’s.”

1) Break out the baking soda

Image courtesy of Luis Echeverri Urrea/Fotolia

Baking soda can be used for stain removal, either directly by mixing it into a paste or purchased in baking soda type toothpaste.

Baking soda is abrasive to tooth enamel however, so you don't want to use it every day unless it has been specially formulated into a toothpaste.

To make a paste, mix about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda to keep it from being gritty.

Stir it into a paste and start brushing.Let the paste stand about a minute, and then rinse.

2) Abstain from dark-colored beverages

Image courtesy of Rob & Dani/Creative Commons

Drinking coffee, red wine and black tea will cause stain residue to permeate the grooves within your enamel.

Gradually, this discoloration could spread or even become permanent, so refrain from consuming these liquids at least one month before the wedding.

Break up with your overused toothbrush

Image courtesy of Laura Henderson/Creative Commons 

Scrubbing with the same tattered toothbrush for extended periods of time is a wasted effort, according to the American Dental Association.

So, replace your toothbrush every three months, or when the bristles appear worn-out, to mitigate tartar buildup.

Enlist help from oral health experts

Image courtesy of Jan Fidler/Creative Commons

Spending just one hour at the dentist’s office can transform dullness into radiance, giving you visible confidence and irresistible allure on your special day.

Cosmetic whitening procedures are both safe and painless, without risk of oral infection or long-term damage.

Talk to your dentist about cost of whitening and whether you are a good candidate. You can also consider over-the-counter dental whitening strips if cost is an issue.

Use apple cider vinegar as mouthwash

Image courtesy of Commons

Incorporate this natural elixir into your tooth care regimen and you will find that apple cider vinegar can help prevent gum disease and acidify the pH in your mouth through a concentration of minerals, acids, enzymes and pectins.

The acidity of the vinegar can gently help remove stains from your teeth.

Every morning, just 
rinse your mouth with organic apple cider vinegar, diluted in water.

Resist those “sweet tooth” cravings

Image courtesy of 5th Luna/Creative Commons 

Pulling into the Krispy Kreme drive-thru is not just detrimental for your waistline — it’s also hazardous to that smile.

When these refined sugars latch onto your teeth, bacteria begins multiplying which creates an environment for cavity-inducing plaque to grow.

7) Choose plant-based snacks instead

Image courtesy of Vegan Photo/Creative Commons 

Sinking those choppers into raw fruits, veggies and nuts is a healthy alternative to mindless munching — not to mention, an effective shield against bacteria.

The crisp texture offers abrasive benefits that eradicate surface stains and lubricate salivary function.

So, what’s the takeaway message?

By combining the professional expertise of your dentist with nutritious eating habits and home remedies, you’ll achieve a photo-ready smile that will last throughout your entire nuptials — plus, all those honeymoon selfies!


Mary-Elizabeth Schurrer is a freelance writer, lifestyle blogger and natural health aficionado who is always on the lookout for practical wellness hacks that real people can seamlessly incorporate into their everyday lives and busy schedules.

In her spare time, she blogs over at Health Be a Hippie.

Reviewed August 4, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith