On the red carpet, celebrities are flashing a different type of bling – BRACES! Celebrities who have been flashing their braces in recent years include: Tom Cruise, Gwen Stefani, Cher, Barbara Walters, Danny Glover and Fantasia.

Today, more than 70 percent of U.S. teens will wear braces and one in five orthodontic patients is an adult.

Orthodontics is devoted to bringing teeth, lips and jaws into proper alignment and creating a beautiful smile. Straight teeth are healthier teeth because they are easier to clean and are more likely to last your lifetime.

Orthodontists are qualified dentists, who obtain at least two additional years of education in an accredited orthodontic residency program. Orthodontics is about tooth and facial movement. Orthodontists diagnose, prevent and treat dental and facial irregularities. Orthodontists can improve most tooth and jaw alignment problems at any age.

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, it has been clinically proven that a beautiful smile leads to higher self-esteem. A person's self-esteem often improves as orthodontic treatment brings teeth, lips and face into proportion. Orthodontic treatment appears to benefit social and career success, as well as improve a person’s general attitude toward life.

Today’s braces have come a long way since they were first constructed in 1728. The first braces consisted of a flat strip of metal which was connected to teeth by pieces of thread.

Technology has also played a vital role in orthodontics. Computer software and 3D digital imaging even allows patients to see a preview the final results before treatment begins. Some orthodontists believe the imaging keeps patients motivated and focused on the goal of a perfect smile.

Gone are the days of metal mouth, tinsel teeth, tin grin, iron mouth, jaws, and train tracks. Today’s perception of orthodontic treatment is that it is easier than ever and the benefits outweigh the temporary discomfort. Today’s braces may be nearly invisible, made from clear plastic or unseen. Braces can even be mounted on the back (lingual) side of the teeth. Also, different color options exist. Wearing braces is now seen as young, hip and fun. Patients can customize their appearances.

There are orthodontic solutions for every budget. Fees for orthodontic care vary with the complexity of the treatment and may vary according to geographic region. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontist no later than age seven.

Pamela Waterman, www.Bracescookbook.com
www.ormco.com # # #

MC Ortega is a senior communications and messaging executive specializing in media relations, social media, program development and crisis communications. Ortega conducts media relations seminars across the country and has written a media relations handbook. Also, Ortega is an avid traveler and international shopper. Ortega resides with her partner, Craig, dog, Fionne and extensive shoe collection. Ortega also enjoys jewelry design/production and flamenco dancing.