Babies develop their first tooth at around 6 months of age, although sometimes it can happen earlier or later. Rarely, a baby may be born with a tooth. Around 1 in 2,000 babies are born with a tooth or teeth already in place. These are called ‘natal teeth’. (1)

You will need to brush your baby’s teeth as soon as they appear. If there is just one tooth it may be easier to do this with some toothpaste on a cloth or your finger, until he gets more teeth.
Make sure you brush his teeth twice a day. (2)

Breast feed your baby! Breast feeding contributes to good jaw development. Some people may tell you that breast milk rots your baby’s teeth, however, this is a myth. The sugars in breast milk do not cause dental decay or cracked enamel.

In an experiment, scientists had to add sucrose to breast milk in order for cavities to occur. How often you brush your baby’s teeth and what other foods he is consuming will be more of a clue as to whether he will develop cavities. (3, 4) In fact, breast milk has been shown to actively protect against dental cavities in babies who were nursed for more than 40 days. (5).

Nursing into toddlerhood was not shown to cause cavities either, unless the child nursed very frequently. The Caries Research journal wrote:
"The results of the present study demonstrate that prolonged demand breast-feeding does not lead to higher caries prevalence." (6)

On the other hand, baby bottle tooth decay causes cavities for 6 percent of under-3 year olds. This is because the carbohydrates in the bottle can be utilized by microorganisms to form a sticky plaque layer so that they can attach to the baby’s teeth. Falling asleep with the bottle is one of the most significant factors in the development of cavities. (5, 7)

If you are formula feeding, don’t make up your babies feeds with fluoridated water as this has been associated with fluorosis (poor enamel, cracked teeth) in babies and children. There is also concern that infants who ingest fluoride in water may be having too much.

Over-ingestion of fluoride can cause poisoning, so the American Dental Association say that formula-fed babies should be fed ready-made formula unless you live in an area that hasn’t been fluoridated. (8 and 9).

Once your baby begins to try other food and drink, avoid sugary foods like sweets, cookies, squash and fruit juice. If he wants to try something other than milk, plain water is best, or water with a small amount of fruit juice for flavor.

Older babies and toddlers may try to grab the toothbrush when you brush their teeth so you could have two toothbrushes, one for him to hold and the other for you to clean his teeth. If he is ambivalent about having his teeth brushed, try to make it fun.

Buy a musical toothbrush or a picture book about cleaning your teeth and it may help him to become more confident about it. If he doesn’t like the taste of the toothpaste, try a different one. There are children’s brands that are available in kid friendly flavors.

Lastly, let him watch the rest of the family brushing their teeth so that he’ll want to copy and join in.


1. Natal Teeth, Medline Plus. Web. 29 November 2011.

2. Brushing Babies First Teeth, Teething Babies. Web. 29 November 2011.

3. Breastfeeding is early functional jaw orthopedics (an introduction). Funct Orthod. 2001 Fall;18(3):24-7. Abstract:

4. Investigation of the role of human breast milk in caries development, Pediatr Dent. 1999 Mar-Apr;21(2):86-90. Abstract:

5. Feeding practices of Greek children with and without nursing caries, Pediatr Dent. 1999 Nov-Dec;21(7):409-16. Abstract:

6. Prolonged demand breast-feeding and nursing caries, Caries Res. 1998;32(1):46-50. Abstract:

7. Estimation of Caries Related Risk Associated with Infant Formulas, Pediatric Dentistry, 20.7.1998. Full Text:

8. Acute Fluoride Toxicity from Ingesting Home-use Dental Products in Children, Birth to 6 Years of Age, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Volume 57, Issue 3, pages 150–158, September 1997. Abstract:;jsessionid=BC600BD6FF465E5A97632D3EF97DC74E.d01t04?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+will+be+disrupted+3+Dec+from+10-12+GMT+for+monthly+maintenance

9. Interim Guidance on Fluoride Intake for Infants and Young Children, American Dental Association (ADA) E-gram: November 2006, via Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Reviewed November 29, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith