When’s the last time you visited with your dentist and oral hygienist? Do you even have a dentist you can call to make an appointment? Whether you’re 8 or 80, and even if you're pregnant, you need to visit with a dentist.

Some people mistakenly believe that they only need to see a dentist if they are currently having a problem with their teeth or mouth area. Preventative maintenance, including professional cleaning, is a key in helping assure major problems don’t arise down the road. A dentist can diagnose and treat conditions ranging from routine cavities, and more complex issues dealing with your gums and teeth.

Good brushing with a soft bristle brush and flossing in between the cleanings you get in the dentist’s chair is just one facet toward the whole picture of your oral health. It’s also important to note that there is a definite link between your oral health and general health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Do you have a question about Dental Health? Check out EmpowHER’s pages. Sign-up, post a question, share your story, connect with other women in our groups and community, and feel EmpowHERed!

World Dental Organization: Dental Care and Tooth Whitening Myths
American Dental Association: Why Dental Health Matters
EmpowHER: Ask The Dentist

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.