Whether or not you're familiar with the term "endodontic treatment", chances are you've heard of a root canal.

Root canals are endodontic treatments, in which damaged or diseased pulp in a tooth is taken out and replaced with another substance and sealed.

The pulp of a tooth can be damaged by injury, fracture of the tooth, tooth decay or damage from dental work like having had many fillings.

Bacteria in the pulp can spread to the roots of the tooth. An abscess can result in an accumulation of pus, and the bone around the tooth can suffer damage.

In some cases, intense pain will indicate a serious problem with the tooth. In other cases, for instance if the deterioration is gradual, pain may not be a signal.

A tooth whose pulp is inflamed or infected may be dealt with by pulling the tooth or by root canal therapy.

According to the Free Dictionary website, the American Association of Endodontists reported that more than 14 million root canals are performed each year.

For a root canal, your dentist or endodontist will apply a local anesthetic. A rubber dam, which is a thin sheet made of rubber, isolates the tooth, and the tooth decay is taken out of the tooth. An opening through the tooth's crown gains access to the pulp chamber.

Canals in the tooth are examined with X-rays so that the canal space can be cleared of bacteria and unhealthy pulp tissue. Irrigation with water flushes out any debris.

A temporary seal may be performed at this time. The tooth may be left open instead to allow for more drainage. An antibiotic will be prescribed to deal with any infection.

More than one visit is usually needed for a root canal to allow for this process.

When it's time to finish the root canal procedure, with the canals completely cleaned out, gutta percha and a sealer cement are applied.

According to the Life Enthusiast website, Dr. George E. Meinig, DDS, FACD the Dentist for the Twentieth Century Fox Studio and founding member of the American Association of Endodontists, said that gutta percha is the most common root filling.

Gutta percha is a rubbery material which Meinig said packs best when it is warmed. When it has cooled and sets for a few days, it may experience some shrinkage.

In some cases a metal post will be put into the pulp chamber to help retain the tooth's structure. At this time the tooth will be given a temporary crown or filling. At a later appointment a permanent crown can be applied for better protection of the tooth.

The American Association of Endodontists said that while 95 percent of root canals are successful in some cases inflammation and infection can reappear. The root canal procedure would be repeated if additional X-rays indicate that this is possible.

If it's not possible, an apicoectomy (root resectioning) may be performed. In this process, the root end of the tooth must be dealt with in the bone, with some of the bone being shaved away. Any unhealthy tissue is removed, and the canal is resealed with a filling.

Ongoing dental checkups and X-rays will be needed to monitor the integrity of the tooth. The crown or filling may need to be replaced at a later time.

Meinig said that contrary to popular belief, a tooth with a root canal is not necessarily a dead tooth. If its roots are secured in healthy tissue, your tooth can be a healthy tooth.


Root Canal Treatment. Medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved August 25, 2012.

Root Canal Cover-Up. Life-enthusiast.com. Retrieved August 25, 2012.

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Reviewed August 27, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN