The space age has arrived. No longer are lasers something that are only used in movies. Increasingly, lasers are finding a niche in many aspects of life, and this includes dentistry.

Laser technology used properly by a skilled dentist means highly specific areas of the mouth and teeth can be treated with minimal pain, without anaesthetics or damage to surrounding tissues, and shorter recovery times.

Unfortunately, the technology is so new that only about 6 percent of general dentists have laser technology available in their offices. For those who are lucky enough to be a patient of one these dentists there are many benefits, particularly for those who experience anxiety at the mere thought of a dental appointment.

The Benefits of Lasers in Dentistry

- can be used on soft tissue (gum) instead of stitches
- may negate the need for local anaesthetic in some treatments
- minimizes bleeding because the laser aids in clotting
- sterilizes sites thereby minimizing infection
- allows faster tissue regeneration and healing

Practical Laser Dentistry

Detecting cavities – Low intensity lasers usually used for soft tissue (gum) can also be used to detect early signs of tooth decay. The lasers can read the effects of the decaying process even before they're deep enough to be visible on an X-ray.

Tooth preparation for fillings – Lasers used for hard tissue or bone eliminate the need for the use of local anaesthetic in many cases, and the traditional dentist’s drill. Imagine the sound of a dentist’s office with no drills! Lasers cannot be used to replace amalgam fillings, onlays or crowns, though.

Sensitive teeth – Sensitive teeth are cause by the reaction of tubules located on tooth roots to hot or cold. Lasers can be used to seal these tubules so they no longer react so strongly to temperature changes.

Inside your teeth – Through the science of Optical Coherence Tomography , dentists can use lasers to safely see inside teeth and gums in real time, providing a more accurate visualization than standard dental X-rays.

Sleep Apnea – If a patient’s sleep apnea symptoms are found to result from tissue overgrowth, which is quite common as a patient ages, lasers can be used to reshape the throat and relieve the associated breathing problems.

Lasers can also be used as a safe, pain-free, suture-free method of removing tongue ties (alleviating speech impediments and improving babies’ ability to nurse), soft tissue folds that result from denture wear, benign tumors (from the gums, palate, cheeks, and lips), and cold sores. Lasers can be used to enhance bleaching results, reduce TMJ inflammation and pain, and encourage nerve regeneration.

Lasers offer safe, effective, and virtually pain-free dentistry. Hopefully, as more dentists train to use this technology it will become more widely available.

As always, before commencing any treatment plan, make sure your dentist has verified credentials that show he/she is qualified to use this technology. Be an informed patient.
