If you have moderate or severe gum disease, you may be eligible for surgery to help correct the problem. Surgery can improve the look of your mouth so that you don’t have to be self-conscious when you smile but it isn’t done for cosmetic reasons alone.

Surgery can protect your roots from decay to lessen the chances of losing your teeth. It can also stop any sensitivity you experience with hot and cold foods, for example.

Soft Tissue Grafting

This is a procedure where tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and used to cover over the roots of your teeth. You will be given an injection of local anaesthetic to numb you and then the dentist will take a sample of tissue from your palate and stitch it to your exposed roots.

The whole operation takes around half an hour. You will be sore afterwards and will be given painkillers to help with any post-operative pain. You will also be given a follow-up appointment to ensure that you are healing properly.

There are other variations of the same procedure. Donated and specially-treated human tissue can be used instead of your own. This cancels out the need for a palate graft which makes the operation less painful. This is called an acellular dermal matrix graft.

The dental surgeon can also take gum tissue from the adjacent area instead of from your palate if this is possible.

Gingival Flap Surgery

This technique involves cutting the gum and folding it back so that the bacteria under the gum can be cleared away. Sometimes a gum-regenerating solution is added. When the cleaning is complete, the gums are stitched back into place.

Possible Side-Effects

These include an increase in sensitivity, infection, temporary swelling, bruising and bleeding. Failure of the graft can also occur.

Post-operative Care

You will need to avoid strenuous activities for a week after your graft. You will not be able to drive for awhile after your surgery due to painkillers but can resume driving once off the painkillers.

A bag of frozen peas applied to your face may help ease the swelling, which can occur 48 to 72 hours post-surgery.

Do not brush the area that has been operated on because it needs time to heal. Don’t touch the area or try to look at it, it is best left undisturbed for around a week.

Sleep slightly raised by propping yourself up with pillows or sleeping in a recliner chair. This will reduce swelling and pain.

Stay on a soft diet for two weeks after surgery (no chewing) and avoid hot drinks.


Soft Tissue Grafts, American Academy of Periodontology. Web. 4 December 2011.

Gingival Flap Surgery, Colegate. Web. 4 December 2011. http://www.colgate.com/app/CP/US/EN/OC/Information/Articles/Oral-and-Dental-Health-Basics/Common-Concerns/Gum-Disease/article/Gingival-Flap-Surgery.cvsp

AlloDerm® Regenerative Tissue Matrix, Biohorizons. Web. 4 December 2011. http://www.biohorizons.com/documents/MLD102.pdf

Gum Grafting Surgery - Risks & Benefits, Dr. Cary Galler, Periodontics and Dental Implants. Web. 4 December 2011. http://www.drgaller.com/Download_GumGrafting.pdf

Gum graft post-operative instructions, fwperio. Web. 4 December 2011. http://www.fwperio.com/pdfs/instructions/gum%20graft%20po%20sheet.pdf

Reviewed December 5, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Malu Banuelos