In the next few weeks, teary-eyed mommies will be sending their babies off to kindergarten and their bigger babies off to college.

My children are in their 30s and I still remember the lump in my throat, not sure if it was out of worry for them or loneliness for myself.

Grade school moms will see their kids in a few hours and probably wonder why they were so mournful in the morning. But, those mothers who helped moved their last-born out of the house, most likely forever, will be going through some trauma and drama.

And asking themselves -- Now what?

Not to worry. There’s plenty of things to do other than be a mommy. And you don’t even have to quit your job or reconnect with the hubby ... unless you want to.

Here’s a few random ideas in no particular order:

1. Take a writing class

2. Go back to school

3. Learn to knit

4. Plant a vegetable garden

5. Plant a flower garden

6. Take tennis lessons

7. Take golf lessons

8. Join a book club

9. Start a book club

10. Start a part-time business

11. Get a part-time job

12. Start a happy-hour group

13. Get a pet

14. Get another pet

15. Plan a trip

16. Go camping

17. Join a weekly/monthly game night

18. Start a weekly/monthly game night

19. Take dance lessons

20. Find a dance group

21. Join an exercise group

22. Volunteer for your favorite charity

23. Start a walking group

24. Join a gym

25. Join a trip group

26. Learn a musical instrument

27. Follow a local band

28. Go antiquing

29. Renovate your home

30. Redecorate your home

31. Buy a motorcycle

32. Join a motorcycle club

33. Join a car club

34. Join a meet up group at

35. Get crafty

36. Learn to sail

37. Go fishing

38. Go shopping with friends

39. Join a bird watching group

40. Start a bird watching group

41. Take a photography class

42. Join a journaling group

43. Make jewelry

44. Take a jewelry making class

45. Join a quilting group

46. Take a computer class

47. Join a cooking class

48. Join a theatre group

49. Take a drawing class

50. Join a nature group

Hopefully, some of these ideas can get you busy doing things you like and take your mind off your empty nest. It’s also okay to do nothing.

Relax. You’ll figure it out.

Have some ideas of your own? Feel free to let us know.

Sources and further reading:

Empty Nest? 10 Fun Ways To Spend Your Time. Web. 20, August, 2012

Six steps to getting over an 'empty nest'. MSNBC. Web. 20, August, 2012

7 Tips for Parents to Manage Empty Nest Syndrome. Huffingtonpost Parents. Web. 20, August, 2012.

Reviewed August 20, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith