Most people have had days where they felt down, blue, or generally sad. These temporary feelings come and go. But for the 19 million Americans who suffer from major depression, those feelings can be long-lasting and may be enhanced by a variety of symptoms including chronic pain, decreased energy, weight changes, and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Depression is the primary cause of disability in the United States, with about 10 percent of the population affected by the condition.

Gender-specific studies have shown that women are almost twice as likely to become depressed as men. This increased risk of depression for women seems to be universal as the ratio of depression in men and women is basically consistent around the world.

Biology and Gender
Depression in women is most common between the ages of 25 and 44. But researchers see significant increases in female depression linked to changes in hormone levels. Before puberty, boys and girls are about even. But cases of depression become more common in girls as hormone levels fluctuate and sexual development begins. Pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause also bring about changes in hormones that can trigger depression.

Each of these stages in the life of a woman is a time when changes are taking place. Puberty is a time of self-discovery and increased pressure from parents and schools to make decisions and to succeed in a variety of ways. Pregnancy brings physical and emotional challenges including relationship issues, changes in work schedules or abilities, risk of miscarriage, and even difficulty becoming pregnant or carrying a baby to term. Pregnancy can also force changes in medication that can allow depression symptoms to grow. Perimenopause and menopause bring about hormone fluctuations as well as the emotional issues including loss of fertility and growing old. These stressors may contribute to the higher rate of depression among women.

Gender and socialization
Some studies also look at the roles of men and women and how they are raised for clues to the gender-specific differences in depression. While boys are often taught to be independent and self-sufficient, girls are taught to value the opinions of others which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and not being valued. Women tend to cope with difficult situations or decisions by spending time dwelling on their problems while men are more likely to actively look for solutions to move past the problem.

Studies also show that girls and women have stronger reactions to stressful events and report having more negative things happening in their lives than men. Women are statistically more likely to be abused than men, which can also contribute to depression.

Gender condition prediction
Knowing that women are more likely to become depressed than men gives health care professionals advance warning to watch for other conditions that may be linked to depression. For example, scientists know that chronic stress and depression can cause loss of bone, especially in the hips. This means women who are depressed may be more likely to develop osteoporosis, which is a condition that leads to weak and brittle bones. Depression can also affect the success of cancer treatments, and may have a role in predicting who will develop heart disease.

Gender and antidepressants
Gender can also play a role in determining the best treatment for depression. Prior to 1995, nearly all research testing of drugs was done only on men. Women were excluded from studies to protect their health during their childbearing years and to remove hormonal fluctuations from statistical studies. Women were assumed to react to medications the same as men with dosing adjustments made based on the weight of the patient. Beginning in 1996, studies comparing the response of men and women to two common antidepressants showed that men responded better to the drug imipramine while pre-menopausal women had better results with sertraline (Zoloft). After menopause, men and women did equally well with either medication.

Gender-specific studies of depression and many other conditions are opening new treatment options to health care professionals who have a better understanding of the unique needs of men and women. Depression symptoms can be treated. If you believe you might be depressed, talk to your health care provider to find out what treatment option is best for you.

National Institute of Mental Health
Mayo Clinic Depression
All About Depression

Reviewed May 19, 2011
Edited by Alison Stanton