After living with diabetes for thirteen years, its safe to say that diabetes is a hassle. Low blood sugars, pokes, shots, and doctor’s visits… the list could go on and on. These things are nuisances that seem to get in the way of living life, but somehow we all make amends as diabetics. In fact, diabetes can even be a blessing from certain angles.

I remember going to sleepovers when I was little and having to tell the parents about diabetes. I would explain what to do with low blood sugars, where my meter was located, and what numbers to call if anything went wrong. Although this was a lot for a little girl to handle, it has created a strong support system for me in case anything ever goes wrong.

Having all of my friends, their parents, and people like teachers, roommates and babysitters know about my diabetes not only keeps me safe, but if makes people more aware of the disease, and more likely to support causes for curing diabetes.

I also remember having to carry around a bulky bag of supplies and wearing an ugly medic alert bracelet on my arm. After years of just complaining about these ugly accessories, I decided to spice up my diabetic style. I created my own bracelet that still has all of the important information, it just looks more fashionable, and I have started matching my supply bag to my clothing by using pencil cases or clutch purses as medical bags instead of something that looks like a lunchbox. It has been fun to spread my creative wings and actually have fun making things while still keeping the importance of diabetes in mind.

These are just small examples, but I have been able to have a lot of opportunities through being a diabetic. Making jokes about diabetes is a fun, lighthearted way to deal with such a serious disease as well. Hey, how many times a day does someone ask you if you have a purple MP3 player on your waist?