The Lancet predicts that the incidence of type 1 diabetes could double over the next decade. Why this disturbing forecast? Our babies are bigger at birth than they used to be. Big babies who grow quicker than average are believed to be more prone to type 1 diabetes. It is also believed that too little sun, and too little vitamin D, is a factor in developing type1 diabetes.

"According to Dr. Michael Holick, who is one of the leading vitamin D researchers in the world, children receiving vitamin D supplementation from age 1 on had an 80 percent decreased risk of developing type 1 diabetes."

To help prevent type 1 diabetes, take vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and give it to your child after its first year of life. Breastfeed your infant. Don't feed your baby cereal, as this will inrease their risk of type 1 diabetes. There is some question that there may be a correlation between autoimmune diseases and the number of vaccinations they receive. The 17-fold increase in type 1 diabetes between the 1950 till today, coincides with the timing of the increased number of vaccinations given to children.