The risk for type 2 diabetes may be linked to the amount of vitamin D in your bloodstream. This is the conclusion of a study from the Western Hospital at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

An article on from April 27, 2011 reported that people whose vitamin D levels are lower than average have a 57 percent greater risk for type 2 diabetes.

The recommendation from the Institute of Medicine is for adults to take in approximately 600 IUs of vitamin D daily.

The article goes on to say that vitamin D has been seen to help keep blood sugar levels regulated. It may increase the release of insulin which may have an impact on the development of type 2 diabetes.

The studies do not show a direct cause and effect though there does seem to be an association between vitamin D levels and risk for type 2 diabetes.

An October 4, 2011, article on also reported that people with high vitamin D levels have lower risk for type 2 diabetes. This report is based on research from the Helmholtz Zentrum München at the German Diabetes Center and the University of Ulm.

It is speculated that the possible benefits of vitamin D may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Germany has more than six million residents who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The actual number of sufferers may be higher.

The NIH reported in July of 2010 that "vitamin D has emerged as a potential risk modifier for type 1 and type 2 diabetes." Vitamin D may have direct as well as indirect effects related to diabetes.

It is possible that vitamin D may slow the development of diabetes in adults who have problems with glucose intolerance. More research is needed.

Vitamin D deficiency may be linked directly to glucose intolerance according to an article on It is possible that even those who are genetically at high risk for diabetes may be able to lower their risk by increasing their vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D seems to have an effect on glucose- and insulin-sensitivity. concurs that a direct cause and effect relationship cannot be ascertained at this time. But it seems evident that increased vitamin D levels does often have a positive effect on type 2 diabetes.

A diet for diabetes should include foods with a high vitamin D content like fish and seafood. Nutritional supplementation of vitamin D may also be beneficial.


Low vitamin D levels linked to diabetes risk. Web. October 11, 2011.

Vitamin D Could Lower Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes, Study Suggests. Web. October 11, 2011.

Vitamin D and diabetes. Web. October 11, 2011.

What Is the Relationship Between Vitamin D and Diabetes? Web. October 11, 2011.

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Reviewed October 12, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN