It is back to school time for many. As The Diabetes Coach, I spend many hours during this time of year working with families.

I discuss the best way to prepare to send their children living with diabetes off to begin a new school year.

I discuss communication with teachers, administration, school nurses, room parents, coaches and students in the school.

I discuss lunch options, snack options, class party and carbohydrate counting strategies.

I discuss 504 or Individualized Education Plans for those clients that need to address specific issues concerning their child’s life with diabetes and the equal rights of the children and parents.

I love positive reinforcement and like to remind my families that people living with diabetes can do anything they want to do. We usually need just a little more planning.

As a mother, I have been preparing school uniforms, back packs, school supplies, emergency contact numbers, new tennis shoes and water bottles for my child.

Today, as I was preparing to walk out the door for the first day of school, I felt my blood glucose (BG) dropping. I reached into my purse and realized that I was out of glucose tablets.

Fortunately, I was in my garage and only had to go back inside to get some. I also realized that I was almost out of BG test strips.

After drop-off at school, I realized that I had once again been taking care of others’ needs and not my own. I realized that I should prepare myself for back-to-school time.

As a woman with diabetes, regardless if you have children, notice this back-to-school time. Take the time to prepare your own life and restock and refocus on living the best life possible with diabetes.

Take the time to replace used equipment, batteries and supplies. Make the extra effort to find healthy snacks and meal plans for tight BG control.

While you watch children riding their bicycles and walking to school, let it be a reminder to start or continue with an exercise regimen.

Look over your insurance benefits and be sure to update your prescriptions. Make sure that your refrigerator of glucagon or medication is up to date.

As parents are plotting the orientation nights on their calendars, check your own. Have you scheduled your yearly eye exam, foot exam and most recent blood work?

As a woman, remember to take care of yourself. With or without students going back to school, it is a great time to plan ahead and get your diabetes life in order.

By Marianne Tetlow “The Diabetes Coach”
The Diabetes Coach is a comprehensive resource and consulting group for individuals or families with a loved one dealing with diabetes. “Helping You To Move Forward While Managing the Ups and Downs”

Edited by Jody Smith