Many people realize there will be some eye problems, feet problems, even nerve problems with diabetes, but diabetes can really raise your chances for heart related problems as well. Here are ways to keep your heart in check.

Eat Right, Don’t Smoke – These two lifestyle changes can really help. A good diet and exercise program will put you on a healthier path and the lack of smoking will help decrease your chances of some cancers, as well as heart difficulty.

Check Your Blood Pressure – Blood pressure should keep about 130/80 generally. There are going to be times when a slightly lower or higher reading is still ok, but on average that is about what you will want it to be.

Check with an EKG – This simple and painless heart test will show if you have any circulation problems in your heart. It is a great way to gauge how likely you will develop heart difficulties in the future.

Check Your Cholesterol – You’ll need to get a base score of what your cholesterol is at the moment. If it is over 200 you’ll need to keep checking. Change your diet, exercise more, and then recheck it. If it habitually stays over 200 you will have to go on medication to keep it down. Cholesterol builds up in the vessels of the heart and can greatly increase heart attack risk.

These are just simple guidelines; please stay on top of your health. Simply checking your blood glucose level is not going to suffice.