Let’s take a quiz on diabetes. Now no peeking! The statements will be listed first and all of them will be true or false. If you get one wrong, then make this an opportunity to learn something new.

The answers and discussion will be listed after the true/false statements.

True or False Statements

1. You can’t catch diabetes from other people.

2. People with diabetes can’t eat sweets or chocolate.

3. Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

4. If you are overweight, you will definitely develop type 2 diabetes.

5. Diabetes is a serious illness.

6. Persons with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods only.

7. Diabetics should only eat small amounts of starchy foods like breads, potatoes
and pasta.

8. Diabetics’ likelihood to get colds and other illnesses are on par with everyone

9. It’s ok to eat as much fruit as you like.

10. With type 2 diabetes, if you are put on insulin, it means you are not taking care of


1. True. It is not contagious. Scientists don’t know the exact reason some people
are diabetics. What is known, is that lifestyle and genetics play a major part in
individuals developing diabetes.

2. False. When a diabetic sticks to a healthy diet with moderate exercise, diabetics
can eat any kind of sweets they want. Moderation and portion control is the key.

3. False. Type 1 is caused by genetics and a few unknown factors and type 2 is
caused by genetics and lifestyle choices.

4. False. Being overweight puts individuals at risk, but family history, ethnicity and
age are key factors as well. What’s interesting is that most overweight people
never actually develop type 2 diabetes and many people with type 2 diabetes are
at normal weight.

5. True. Diabetes is serious, per the American Diabetes Association (ADA),
diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined!

6. False. A good healthy diet for a diabetic is very similar for anyone else – low in
fat, moderate in salt and sugar, whole grains, veggies and fruits. Reportedly, so-
called diabetic or dietic foods may still raise blood sugar levels, are very expensive, and may have a laxative effect. Thereby, offering no special benefit at all.

7. False. Starchy foods are a necessary part of a good diet. It is important to
remember portion size or control. A good 3-4 servings for most diabetics will

8. True. If you have diabetes, you are no more likely to get a cold or flu than someone who doesn’t have diabetes.

9. True and False. Fruit is a healthy food, containing needed fiber, carbohydrates
and vitamins. However, fruits contain significant amounts of natural sugar, therefore it is suggested that you talk to your dietician.

10. False. Since type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, insulin usage is necessary for most anyway. The body gradually decreases insulin production on a natural level so assistance with insulin medication is a good and wise choice.

Resources: ADA, Mayo Clinic

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer, poet, teacher, and a new St. Louis Saints fan!

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