I have a bad habit of craving something sweet after dinner. I try to go for a cup of tea, and as much as I’d like to say that does the trick, it doesn’t. I’ve learned to have an arsenal of low-cal desserts, ready for consumption the moment sugar cravings hit.

These five delicious desserts are all under 200 calories. While I can’t lie and say I don’t sneak ice cream and brownies every once in a while, these five go-to sweet treats keep my calorie-fests at bay.

Berries and Chocolate Sauce:
Top a combo of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries with two tablespoons of chocolate sauce. This fiber-packed sweet and delicious treat will also give you a jolt of vitamin C.

Fruit Sorbet:
A freezer aisle favorite, this flavorful dessert is always free of fat and low in calories. My personal favorites include mango, lemon and mixed berry.

Frozen Bananas:
As a life-long lover of bananas and chocolate (together or separate) there’s nothing I appreciate more than a chocolate-covered banana. Dip a banana in chocolate, freeze it and drizzle with nuts.

Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars:
Open my freezer any day of the week and you’ll always find a pack (or two) of Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars. My personal favorite flavors are mint chip, cookies and cream, and peanut butter vanilla, yum!

Grilled Fruit:
From pineapples to grapefruit, fruits are often even more delicious warm and toasted. Grilling fruits enhances their natural sweetness and adds a new depth of flavor to an already healthy snack. Get creative and eat up!

Edited by Jessica Obert