There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to do something good for your body—like eat more fruit—and ending up doing the exact opposite—like consuming a days worth of calories in a single sitting. When it comes to drinking smoothies, this often tends to be the case. As thirst quenching and delicious as smoothies are, many of them—especially of the store-bought-variety—are lurking with hidden calories. (Often in the form of high amounts of concentrated fruit juice and sugary ice cream or frozen yogurt.)

Forgeo these sugary waistline killers and make your own at home. Starting your day with a blender full of goodness is a great way to squeeze in all the greens you need and giving yourself a boost of energy to keep you satiated all the way 'til lunchtime.

While the blending opportunities are endless, here’s a few tips and recipes to get you started:
Invest in a good blender.
If greens scare you, start with a few leaves and gradually blend in more.
Bananas add smoothness (but also pack 100 calories per pop).
Milk and yogurt also add creaminess.

For a belly-filler and energy booster:
Fill your blender with swiss chard and red kale. Blend on high with 1/2 cup apple juice and 1-1/2 cups water. Add 1 cup frozen blueberries and raspberries and one banana.

For a tropical, sweet twist:
Blend a handful of fresh organic spinach with a stalk of celery, two mangoes and water.

For an extra-smooth and sweet smoothie the kids will love:
Blend a banana, five strawberries, 6 ounces of vanilla yogurt, 1/2 of an apple and 2 cups of spinach.

For a zing of citrus:
Blend together one orange, sans seeds, and half a banana. Add in two leaves of swiss chard, ribs removed, water and a tablespoon of wheat germ (optional).